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How to open views with the currently selected Projects and Teams.
Some time ago, we redesigned the Projects-Teams selector. It became a part of views, and the global selector was removed. This helped to standardize and simplify views, but made it impossible to set Projects and Teams just once and navigate through several views with that selection.
To make this scenario work, in v.3.11.0 we’ve implemented a keyboard shortcut that lets you navigate to a new view with the currently selected Projects and Teams.
As usual, you can select the needed Projects and Teams in the selector on the top of the view (this selection won't override the predefined Projects and Teams for this view).
Explore the data. If you need to navigate to another view with the same selected Projects and Teams, simply hold Alt and click on the view you wish to explore.
As a result, the view will be opened using the Projects and Teams that were selected on the previous view.
You can use Alt+Click to navigate through any number of views with the currently selected Projects and Teams.
For more details on how the Projects and Teams selector works, see the guide post.
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