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Brief summary of this article:
When something is not working, it is always helpful to see the full error details, and not just Oops... Something's wrong or BadRequest
Checking Network
To check the error, you can open Ctrl+Shift+j and navigate to the Networks tab and try to reproduce the error.
Failed requests will be highlighted in red.
Click on this failed request and go to the Response tab
Once you have “ErrorId”, kindly share that with our Support team
You can also add verbose=1 to the URL and pull the full error message directly from the response:
Mind the placement of verbose=1 - it has to be after ? and before #
Checking Browser Console
To check the error, you can open Ctrl+Shift+j and navigate to the Console tab and try to reproduce the error.
The failed request will be highlighted in red
The stack trace can be very helpful here - it can give you the name of the file which is failing. You can click on the link to be taken to the exact place where JS is failing:
Verbose usage on API calls
Verbose plays a major role in getting a detailed error message which helps in understanding the error much better.
Here is the difference in the error message without and with verbose in the URL.
Without verbose in URL:
With verbose in URL:
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