This article describes how to change personal details for your own account. Administrators and power users with authorized roles such as Project Managers or Team Managers can change personal account settings for any other Targetprocess user. Personal Account Settings
User, Administrator, Observer, and Contributor are user types in Targetprocess. Requester is an additional special user type as well. This article describes differences between them. Users This is the basic account type in Targetprocess. Users have access to the work
Targetprocess users receive access to work items through Projects and Teams. In this guide article for administrators and power users we describe how to manage Project membership. After users are assigned to a Project or Team, they can add, edit, and delete work items
Targetprocess users receive access to work items through Projects and Teams. In this guide article for administrators and power users we describe how to manage Team membership. After users are assigned to a Project or Team, they can add, edit, and delete work items according to their Project or Team role. More
Targetprocess users receive access to work items through Projects and Teams. In this guide article for administrators and power users we describe: how to add a Team to a Project how to unassign a Team from a Project There
Recently we've introduced an additional security capability to Targetprocess making it possible to control user access permissions to entities in a more precise and flexible way. Direct Access to Entities preview is released in v3.13.1. By default, the
A Process Admin is a User who can change the Process(-es) they're assigned to. Process Admins allow to decentralize the administration work of Administrators.
Integration Users are not expected to log into Targetprocess and use it on a regular basis, but they can be displayed as Assigned Users, be part of the Capacity Planning, etc. "Integration User" is part of native issue level integrations
Changing personal details. Updating first and last name, login, email, and password. Granting access permissions. Adding user accounts and assigning users to projects. Removing people from projects and teams.
Adding accounts for new users and inviting people by email.
Changing personal information: first and last name, login, email, and password for any user. Uploading avatars. Creating custom views that display users.
Administrators have unlimited access to all data and settings in Targetprocess. Administrator access level is a setting of a user account in the system. Administrators are one of the user types in Targetprocess. Other possible types include User,
Using roles to set permissions for users to add, edit, and delete entities in TargetProcess 3. Some other role-related settings, e.g. access to timesheets of the other users.
How can I provide permission to a non-administrator user to create new projects, programs, teams or users? The permissions of a user's Default Role can allow them to Add these types of entities. What is a Default Role? For most Users in
Permissions for users to view, add, edit and delete entities in Targetprocess are granted based on multiple different settings. In this article, we'll describe the rules used in order to provide or prohibit access to users for work items such
Access permissions to Time entries in Targetprocess are configured separately from the ones related to work items. In the settings of each Role there are checkboxes related to permissions to Add / Edit / Delete Time entries. To
Starting from v2107+ 'Owner' terminology is changed to 'Creator'. When an entity is created, its Creator field is populated with a reference to the creator user. Permissions of Creators Creators can always edit and delete their own entities, even when their
Activating and deactivating accounts.
The Contributor user type has edit-access to all public Projects and Teams in the systems (as opposed to the Observer user type, who has read-only access to all Public projects and Teams).
Setting up a role allowing users to have a read-only access to the data in Targetprocess.
The System User account is mainly used to connect Targetprocess to other applications and integrations.
Project Managers may want the option to check the timesheets of team members to get an idea of their progress. In such situations, a dropdown list can be made visible in the timesheet interface to allow particular roles
Targetprocess allows you to share your Views (only in Board mode and Roadmap mode so far) with people who don't have a user login.
Several options exist which will allow Targetprocess data to be accessed by external users as simple viewers.
This mashup will disable the Create View function for certain users and/or roles.