Brief summary of this article:
Create user accounts in your Targetprocess system so that your colleagues could log in to the secure common data space, get access to the shared projects and teams and collaborate with each other. This article describes how to add users to your system.
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New users are added to your common company account (that is, your Targetprocess site) by Administrators and team managers. Users are not allowed to sign up on the company site themselves.
A few Users can be added one by one manually. Features such as Invite people, Quick Add Several Items, Just-in-Time Provisioning for SSO, Import from a CSV file, and REST API allow bulk creation of multiple user accounts at one time.
Inviting new Users and granting them access typically takes two steps: add new users to the system and assign them to Projects and Teams. It is possible to combine these steps into single action within Assign to Project / Team selectors in Quick add, inline addition, Invite people, Quick Add Several Items.
Licenses Availability
Before you add new users please verify you have enough count of unused licenses available. Check License page in System Settings for this purpose.
Licensing in Targetprocess is user-based. We monitor the number of active users, meaning those that can login to the system and interact with it. The number of active users cannot exceed count of currently purchased Licenses.
To free up seats for new active users, either purchase more Licenses or review your People list and make some unused user accounts Inactive or (not recommended) delete them completely.
Required Permissions
Administrators in Targetprocess can add Users by default.
Non-administrators can add Users if their Default Role has Add permission for User entity.
Default Role for New Users
All Targetprocess users always have a Default Role selected. By default, if none is explicitly selected, first Role from the list of available ones is set as Default Role for all newly created users.
Add Users via main menu Quick Add
To create one or a few user accounts quickly, use the + Add green button in the top left corner of the page. Select the User item.
Fill in the First Name, Last Name, Email, Login, Password and Default Role fields and press the Add button. This creates the new User entity.
Mark checkboxes in the Assign to Projects and Assign to Teams lists in order to provide a User with access to Project data immediately. Users are assigned to Projects and Teams with the same role as their Default Role initially. Further the role in each assignment can be changed so that a User may have different Roles across Projects and Teams.
Add & Open button allows to review additional details of newly added User.
Add Users via inline Quick Add
On views that display people as cards or lanes it is possible to add Users inline. Examples of such predefined views are People, People by Role, People by Project, People by Team, and Work by Person. All these views can be created from Templates. More on views: People View. Custom Views for Personal Accounts Management
Click the green [+] buttons that appears on mouse hover in cells, columns and rows for this purpose.
The inline pop-up form for new Users contains the same fields as main Quick Add form.
Assign Users to Roles, Projects and Teams
When the view shows Users as cards distributed by Roles, Projects or Teams as lanes, users added to a cell inline become assigned to the corresponding Role, Project and Team.
Personal details for inline added Users can be edited with click on Add & Open button in the User creation form. The page with personal details can be also opened with double click on a User card in a view.
Quick Add Several Items
By default you add Users inline one by one. However there is an extension (mashup) for Targetprocess that allows inline addition of lists of Users. Its name is Quick Add Several Work Items. The mashup uses a text file as a data source for an import of Users.
To activate the mashup, please install it from the Mashups Library. Mashups can be activated by Adminstrators. Refresh your Targetprocess page with the Ctrl+F5 / Cmd+F5 key combination after installation.
To use the mashup, prepare a text file in advance. The file may contain multiple lines. Each line should have the following format:
First Name,Last Name,Email,Login,Password
You're welcome to download this example of input file:
Save the file on your local drive. Then drag the file and drop it in the cell where you want to add Users inline. A pop-up with the parsed file data appears.
Mark Projects and Teams with checkboxes to create assignments if needed. The settings are applied to all of the users.
Press Import items button.
As a result all Users are added inline.
Invite people
You can invite people to collaborate by email. All the details you need to add Users with Invite people is their email address.
You can invite people to some single Project or Team. Link to invitation form is displayed in Project or Team detailed view > People tab > + Invite people.
The emails can be typed manually one by one. Or a list of multiple emails can be pasted from your clipboard.
Both existing Users and new users can be invited. The single-click action combines several steps:
- The system checks if a email belongs to some already known User or not
- New accounts are created for Users with non-registered emails
- Users become assigned to the Project or Team you invited them to
- Invitation links are sent to all new Users by email
The invitation email contains a link to the sign in form below.
The User is requested to add photo, fill in first and last name, email and password.
After submitting the form, the Users become logged in to Targetprocess.
Just-in-Time Provisioning for Single Sign-On
Targetprocess has support for Single Sign-On (SSO). It helps to eliminate passwords from the login process and let the users access login faster and safer using integration with your favorite identity provider.
When SSO is configured and Just-in-Time (JIT) provisioning is enabled, Targetprocess user accounts are created on the fly. This eliminates the need to create user accounts in Targetprocess in advance. All you need is to add Users to the list hosted by your identity provider and to purchase enough Licenses.
The account is created automatically whenever a User who has no account tries to login for the first time. The email for the User is verified by the identity provider service.
If the email is known but belongs to a deleted or inactive user, Targetprocess restores and activates the user account instead of creating new one.
By default all new user accounts are created with John Doe as their name. Immediately after the login, users are redirected to their personal profile settings page. There they are welcome to input their real First and Last names. A password for form-based authentication can be set there as well.
By default the Users are not assigned as members to any Projects and Teams. The assignments should be made by Administrators, team managers or custom automation services.
Import from a CSV file
It allows to quickly modify personal data using spreadsheet editors (such as Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Google Sheets) and bulk import it into Targetprocess using specific UI. Here's how the typical CSV file with user data looks like being opened in a spreadsheet editor:
More information: Import Users from a CSV file.
REST API and Custom Automation Services
REST API in Targetprocess is a service that allows you to view and modify data in your account using a programming interface. It can be used with any programming language and development platform. Users, Projects, Teams, Allocations can be managed with custom API scripts. More details: REST API Getting Started.
See also
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