Notification rules allow you to keep track of changes to Targetprocess entities by configuring and sending notifications into Targetprocess application or into an email. In the current version, only administrators of an instance can set up notifications for any other Targetprocess user.
Notifications help you to send messages and alerts to the responsible people when some important events or changes happen in the system. Notifications are a good alternative to views and dashboards. To stay aware your colleagues do not
Following entities and receiving email notifications about changes.
Communicating with your team members using Comments and Emails
Targetprocess allows you to post Comments almost to any entity. For example, when you open a User Story's detail page, in the Comments section you can click "+Add Comment" to write a new Comment: When you enter a Comment,
Turning on email notifications in the system settings. SMTP server is required for on-site packs.
Set up instant email notifications to let people know about new assignments, comments and other updates. Different notification settings for various events. Customizing notifications by role and process.
A specific example of email notification setup: entity state change.
Customize your email notifications templates to fit your working process.
Use Velocity tool to customize email templates and find the list of available properties here.