- Email integrations
- Notifications and Following
- How to configure Google OAuth for Email Integration Plugin
- How to configure Outlook OAuth for Email Integration Plugin
- Inbound Email Integration via Plugin
- Why do I get “Not creating request” message in email plugin log?
- How to set up Inbound Email Integration
- How to setup auto reply to requesters
Brief summary of this article:
Email notifications in Targetprocess are flexible and can be customized.
This article describes automatic email notifications configured in Process Workflow settings. More information on other kinds of email notifications can be found here: Notifications
Events that you can define and set up automatic notifications for are the following:
- Entity state changes
- Comments added to entities
- New entities added
- People assigned to entities
- Attachments are uploaded to entities
All notification settings are applied to all project members together. They are configured by Administrators or Process Admin. There are no individual settings that users could control on their end so far. However, users can Follow entities manually in order to receive notifications about recent changes.
To enable email notifications for various events in Targetprocess, you must first enable notifications.
Events that are always enabled by default and cannot be disabled include:
- User account added
- Forgotten passwords
- Comments added events (manually selected checkboxes)
- @mention notifications
- Follow notifications
The settings are customized per process.
Configure Settings
Settings can be modified by Administrators and Process Admins.
To customize who will receive emails on the configurable events, edit the settings for your Process. Navigate to Settings → Process Setup → [Your process] → Notifications. From this screen, you can customize the various events by selecting the appropriate entity type and tab.
- The ChangeState tab holds settings for notifications when entities change states. Refer to the article on setting up state change notifications for more information.
- The Add, Assign, and AddComment tabs hold settings for when entities are added or assigned, and when comments are added (respectively).
To enable a notification e-mail for any of these states, simply check the box next to the Role or person that you want to receive the notification.
Selecting any of the system Roles will send a notification to all members of that particular Role in the appropriate project. For example, selecting Developer will notify all project members whose project role is Developer.
Along with all of your defined Roles, there are also three special options listed here: Creator, Project Member, and Assigned User. By selecting Creator or Assigned User, the Creator of the entity or all the users assigned to the entity will receive a notification. Selecting Project Member will trigger a notification to every member of that project, regardless of their role.
See Also
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