- Integrations and API
- Integration with Miro
- Native Integrations Tips & Tricks
- Targetprocess Integrations with GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps, Bitbucket.
- Azure DevOps Integration: How to sync Area Path and Iteration Path
- How to create a personal access token for DevOps Integrations
- Integration between Targetprocess and Slack
- Azure DevOps Integration: Data Validation Report
Both native and extendable domain entities can be undeleted using the Undelete API.
You will need the Postman app or any other app used to process POST API requests.
Once you have the app installed, you can proceed to getting an access_token.
Click on your account icon -> Access token tab -> Add token -> Give it a name (any) -> Copy the token that is generated
*Please, note that only admins have the right to undelete, so the access_token should be created from the admin account.
Then you can proceed to the creation of POST request in the app.
The URL will look like this:
You need to change yourdomain to your Targetprocess instance domain and you need to use the token that you have generated from the admin account of your instance.
Then you can go to the Body tab and add the body of the API request that should include the name of the entity type and the ID if the entity.
The format of the body is the following:
"Id": 296173,
"EntityType": "Feature"
Data type is RAW Json.
*Please, make sure that you use the default term if you are using custom names for the entity types.
*We recommend using "UserStory" format instead of "User Story", so one word with capital letters marking the start of each word, if the term consists of two or more words.
Now you can click Send and check the app response. Response code 200 means that the entity has been successfully undeleted.
It takes some time for the Search to reindex the undeleted entity. You can access it via an URL: https://yourdomain.tpondemand.com/entity/123456
Here 123456 is the id of the entity that you have just undeleted, so you should change it to the one you need.
If you face any errors, issues, or concerns, please contact Support.
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