9 Targetprocess Reviews That Get Us Totally Right
7 years ago

9 Targetprocess Reviews That Get Us Totally Right

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Our mission at Targetprocess is simple: we want to help you do your best work.

That means working with the processes and systems that work for you, putting all your completed, ongoing, and future project information in one place, and making a tool that’s easy to use.

Doing all of these things—allowing customizations, helping you visualize your workflow, and making your data easy to find—helps you and your team become more productive, creative, and innovative. Or that’s our hope, anyway.

And just like you when you’re working on your amazing projects, we’re always looking for feedback to see if we’re doing our jobs well. One major source of feedback is from our hundreds of Targetprocess reviews from our customers.

Let me tell you, there’s some great stuff in there. And there are also some mentions of things we need to work on and improve. (We believe in transparency!)

Luckily, we can tell we’re on the right track with 4.5-(out of five)-star ratings on major third-party reviews sites like Capterra, G2 Crowd, and Finances Online. That's a near-perfect rating from our customers out of the almost 700 reviews from these sites, and we can't thank them enough for leaving such glowing Targetprocess reviews for us to read.

While it’s important to reflect on how your product quality can be improved, it’s equally important to celebrate what you’re doing right. To do that, we wanted to shine a spotlight on some of the instances where our customers and users have pointed out that we’re doing a good job in various Targetprocess reviews.

Honest Targetprocess reviews show we’re getting the job done

I won’t lie: these Targetprocess reviews had us blushing and patting each other on the back for a job well done. To find these Targetprocess reviews, I looked at third-party sites, such as Capterra, G2 Crowd, and Finances Online. While some of the Targetprocess reviews have been edited for grammar, the tone and sentiment were unchanged. (I’ve included links back to the original reviews so you can check my work!)

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Our customers leave amazing Targetprocess reviews on major software review sites.

Check out what we (and our customers) think we’re doing right in the Targetprocess reviews below!

1. Targetprocess helps you step up your game

Since our goal is for you to be able to produce your best work using our tool, we want to make sure we’re creating something that provides capabilities your organization might currently be missing. So we make sure that Targetprocess does things that other tools can’t.

Katie, who works in the IT industry, mentions in her Targetprocess review on Finances Online that her organization replaced Trello with Targetprocess because it “added the value we all missed from our online tool.” Though she felt Trello was “good for a startup,” when it came down to Targetprocess versus Trello for her growing organization, they realized that Trello was “missing basic features (burndowns, start dates, roadmaps, etc.), and we had to switch to something better.”

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Targetprocess reviews from Finances Online average 4.5 stars.

Katie thought our tool helped her organization do so much better, she gave us a perfect five-star rating in her Targetprocess review.

Targetprocess provides you with the basics, but we don’t stop there. We also offer highly customizable workflows, project processes, and reports that can provide you with high-level overviews but still preserve deep levels of detail. Plus, we offer integrations with many other existing tools so you can keep using what works for your team.

2. Targetprocess exceeds expectations

We can’t tell you that we make a product that helps you do your best work without setting the example. We aim to create a product that goes above and beyond for your organization.

Fortunately, we have proof of our stellar performance from many customer sentiments in Targetprocess reviews: Darlene. who works with software, says in her Targetprocess review on Finances Online that Targetprocess “went beyond every expectation she had.”

As if that wasn’t glowing enough praise, she also says in her Targetprocess review that, in her opinion, “Targetprocess is the revolution of workflow boards, something like a combination of Trello and advanced project managers and tracking systems. You put data inside, slice it the way it suits your needs, and drag and drop grids to personalize your cards.”

I think if your users describe your product as “a revolution,” you’re doing something right.

3. Targetprocess helps you see information quickly

Part of our revolution for work management is putting relevant information in your employees’ hands in an easily readable way. Our tool focuses on helping you effectively visualize everything related to your projects. We want you to be able to see everything that matters on a high level, as well as in great detail. And we seem to be doing a pretty good job of making that happen for our users.

Ahmad Z. mentions in his Targetprocess review on G2 Crowd that he loves the “high visibility of tasks” in Targetprocess. He mentions: “We can easily see which task is assigned to which person at a glance using the profile pictures, which I like the most.”

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Targetprocess reviews from G2 Crowd average 4.3 stars

He adds, “Overall, it has definitely contributed towards increasing our day-to-day productivity and has increased the level of transparency.”

Allowing everyone on your team to see their own tasks, as well as the tasks of their teammates or members of other teams, gives everyone a better sense of what’s going on in your organization as a whole. And knowing what you’ve done and what you’re going to do is a great first step on the road to being more productive.

4. Targetprocess provides transparency to increase productivity

Part of the reason we’re so into visualizing all your data is because we know that effectively sharing information with others is key to getting things done. It ensures that everyone knows what’s going on, that they have access to the same requirements and expectations, and that they know what others are doing to work toward the same goals.

Evan M. points out a concrete way that information sharing has helped his team in his Targetprocess review on G2 Crowd: “We use Targetprocess to manage a team of about nine developers. It is great for keeping track of all things related to the development process and allowing product managers to have insight into Dev work without stepping on our toes.”

Sometimes all your coworkers need is a sense of what your team is working on. You can provide that easily and non-invasively by sharing project information on Targetprocess.

5. Targetprocess helps you focus

If having all that information—all of your team’s projects, plus everyone else’s—at your fingertips sounds overwhelming, don’t worry. We know that to do good work, it’s crucial that you’re able to focus. While we can’t help you deal with chatty co-workers or distracting noise in your open office, we can help you create customized views of all your tasks and projects so you can create a laser-focused to-do list for yourself.

Jesica B. says in her Targetprocess review on G2 Crowd that the thing she likes best about Targetprocess is the fact that it helps her focus on important tasks: “I like to work deeper and fast, tracking my performance. I have an opportunity to overview all working steps and control all processes. It gives me the ability to concentrate more and focus on more substantial work.”

Targetprocess helps you keep all of your important work and project information in one place so you can move seamlessly from one task to another and see all the progress you’re making.

6. Targetprocess makes it easy to do your own thing

We want you to see everything that’s important for work, but we also know it’s important to be able to block out the things that aren’t necessarily important to you. For that reason, we offer highly customizable filters so you can narrow your focus only to what you want to see at any given time.

Leeanna S. says in her Targetprocess review on G2 Crowd that that’s actually one of her favorite things about Targetprocess. She loves that she can “customize anything: choose items to see, filter and sort them, customize properties, and sort how [she] wants to view reports.”

Filtering out unnecessary data or other people’s tasks lets you see what matters to your work and projects and helps you make the right decisions in terms of prioritizing and getting things done.

7. Targetprocess adapts to your needs and changes, not the other way around

In the same way that we want your individual employees to work in a way that suits them, we want your organization to work with our tool in a way that suits you. And if you change your mind about the way your organization works best, we’ll change with you.

Brett says in his Targetprocess review of our “customizable product” on Finances Online: “We have changed our process multiple times in the last three years, and this tool handles all our changes, works, and projects. It is easy to use, intuitive, and it offers a great set of options so you can better manage your workflow.”

We can even work with different processes that exist in the same organization so your teams can decide individually what works best for them. Brett adds in his Targetprocess review that, “In our organization, there are four cross-functional teams that are working with four separate processes, and Targetprocess helps us to better handle our different workflows, starting from complex reporting and data insight to custom workflows and notifications.”

However you want to work, we support you. And our tool can handle the changes you might throw its way.

8. Targetprocess supports you

Targetprocess is so adaptable because the last thing we want is for our product to get in the way of your work. So, ideally, we’d love it if Targetprocess was so easy to use that you never had to contact our support team at all. But sometimes problems do arise, or you have questions about how to use our system to its fullest capabilities. When that happens, we’re here for you.

Mark C., head of development at MNA Digital, and his team have used Targetprocess for about six years to power their business and project teams. He had the following to say in his Targetprocess review on Capterra:

“The support at TP is second only to the inherent flexibility of the product, but it’s also a big part of what’s kept us with TP all this time. On the rare occasions I need to ask a question, I pop onto live chat, upload a screenshot or video and get an answer, typically within minutes, typically a full solution that allows me to carry on with what I’m doing straight away.”

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Targetprocess reviews from Capterra average 4.5 stars

We want you to get the most out our tool. When you’re focusing on issues with our system or questions about how it works, that’s taking time away from your important work. We want you to get back on track as quickly as possible, so we’re here to help right away whenever you need us.

9. You’d recommend Targetprocess to others

We’ve discovered our biggest fan in Sharon, at least according to her Targetprocess review on Finances Online. She started using Targetprocess at one company, and it was “the first thing [she] recommended” to her new employer upon moving to a different company. Overachievers take note: according to Sharon, “if you’re looking for your boss’s attention, Targetprocess “is the way go.”

The greatest sign of a job well done is making a product that our customers think everyone else to use. So we’re not saying you should go run to your boss right now and tell them to check out Targetprocess... but we wouldn’t be mad if you did.

Seeing is believing

We’re all about visualizing. So we don’t blame you if you’re done with examples of what other people think about our tool from Targetprocess reviews and want to see how it works for yourself.

Fun fact: you can do that for free.

Sign up for a complementary Targetprocess account and see for yourself what our users love about us.

Or if you're already using our tool, please leave your own Targetprocess review!

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