Integrations with Jira and Azure DevOps: Import Forecast and Cancel | Targetprocess - Enterprise Agility Solution
5 months ago

Integrations with Jira and Azure DevOps: Import Forecast and Cancel

We launched ability cancel long running imports from Azure DevOps or Jira and forecast time execution based on import rate from the last for the past 14 days operation. Before this release, users who initiated import from Azure DevOps or Jira would wait for unknown period until import finishes, checking the results page. If import lasts for too long and slows down existing data synchronization there was no way to stop or cancel import. Starting today, integration administrators can understand approximately how long import from Jira or Azure DevOps can take. And if import runs for too long that becomes undesired, admin user can cancel it.

Import forecast

Instructions/ Steps:
1. Type the WIQL (for Azure DevOps) or JQL (if import from Jira) query that defines items you want to import or update with changes from ADO/Jira if they are already imported) and press [Forecast].

Fig 1: Import forecast.

 2. Forecast time shows approximate time based on previous import history. If there were no imports for the past 14 days, approximate time will not be calculated yet. In this case forecasted and remaining time will remain undefined.

Fig 2: Import time estimation.

 3. As soon as you start import, progress will be calculated based on current API responsiveness, Avg.Sync.Time and rate limiting.

Fig 3: Import progress.

 4. Results will show number of imported, updated, or failed items. Failed import could be retried again.

Fig 4: Retry failed import.


Import cancel

Not completed import can be aborted. Import cancellation takes time. It can last for several minutes to stop creating and updating all the items with actual fields values and removed everything that was not actualized.

Items that were updated fully or partially will stay in Targetprocess. Issues imported and yet named like Created by Targetprocess integration service (103084:2eb4df78-9419-4741-97ef-3d0e168cea2b:5eb3dfaa-4013-4615-86bf-de73f8fcabd3) will be removed from Targetprocess as a result of cancelled import.

Instructions/ Steps:

  1. Start the import and before it completes, hit [Cancel]
    Targetprocess Image
  2. In a minute you will be able to start new import.

Summary of cancelled import will be delivered in the later releases in June 2024.




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