New Solutions: Budgeting v.2, Man Days support, Agile Release Train (ART) Capacity and Velocity Management, Cost per Point for Team and ART | Targetprocess - Enterprise Agility Solution
2 years ago

New Solutions: Budgeting v.2, Man Days support, Agile Release Train (ART) Capacity and Velocity Management, Cost per Point for Team and ART

We are pleased to announce the release of new solutions in Targetprocess. All the solutions are available in the Solution Library. You can read about their target business need and installation details and install them right to your account in no time!

The solutions we've released are related to the following topics:

  • Financial Management
  • Man Days Support for Demand Management
  • Agile Release Train (ART) Demand, Capacity and Velocity
  • Cost per Point for Team and ART

Financial Management

This update of Financial Management solutions consists of new terminology, support of CapEx/OpEx and Run/Grow guardrails as well as allows to calculate Proposed Budget based on the created Team/User Work Allocations.

Please check the Project Portfolio budgeting solution video to see it in action.

Financial Management Structure

The solution enables the structure of Budget -> Annual Budget -> Quarterly Budget -> Monthly Budget, Costs and Expenses, which will be later connected to either Portfolio and Portfolio Epics (Project Portfolio Budgeting solution),  PortfoliosValue Streams, Solution Trains, Agile Release Trains and Teams (Lean Budgeting solution), or/and Portfolio and Products (Product Budgeting solution). 

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This structure allows us to fund work, people or products on an annual basis and track actuals on an annual, quarterly and monthly basis. 

Project Portfolio Budgeting v.2

Project Portfolio Budgeting solution is designed to support Portfolio Stakeholders and Project Managers in the activities related to portfolio investment planning, funding portfolio epics (or projects), and tracking actual labor and non-labor expenses through the months, quarters, and years.  

The solution enables connection of Budgets, Costs and Expenses to Portfolios and Portfolio Epics, allowing to fund Portfolios and then Portfolio Epics, as well as track actuals for them.

It supports the following phases of a budgeting process:

  • Budget Target - describes the company's initial idea of distributing funds across Portfolios and defining guardrails (Run vs Grow, CapEx vs OpEx).
  • Budget Proposal - describes budgets proposed by Project Managers or Initiative Owners based on the funds needed to implement ProjectsInitiatives, or Portfolio Epics.
  • Budget Approval - comparing the numbers in a Budget Target and Budget Proposal reflects the final decision on the investment into each Portfolio.
  • Actuals - shares information about labor and non-labor expenses related to a Portfolio.

Proposed Budget based on Work Allocations

The solution allows calculating Portfolio Epic Proposed Budget based on User or/and Team Allocations, representing what budget is needed to cover labor expenses of a Portfolio Epic. It'll connect Work Allocations monthly Forecasted Cost to Monthly Budgets of a Portfolio Epic, so that you can see Monthly, and then Quarterly and Annual Proposed Budget of a Portfolio Epic and a Portfolio considering all the created Work Allocations. It's also distribute Forecasted Costs between Run/Grow and CapEx/OpEx categories based on the entered values.

Now when creating a new Work Allocation. Money values will be calculated based on the entered percentage and distribute the Total Allocated Cost between those categories:

Further, the Demands created for Work Allocations will be connected to respective Portfolio Epic Monthly Budgets and roll up to Quarterly and Annual Budgets. Therefore, the total across all the Work Allocations will represent the Proposed Budget of a Portfolio Epic for each Month, Quarter and Year, so you can make a data-driven decision on what Budget to approve for each Portfolio Epic and a Portfolio in the upcoming Budgeting Year.

Man Days Support

The solution is an extension of User and/or Team Capacity Demand and Allocation solutions and allows entering Requested Man Days (or MD) instead of Percentage. It also shows how many Man Days a User/Team has available during a period of time, how many Man Days are booked for Time Off (Vacations, Sick Leaves and Public Holidays) and Work Allocations and what Percentage of people time is Reserved and Available.

It enables new fields on a User view:

It converts Working Days booked for Time Off (Vacation, Sick Leave and Public Holiday), into Requested MD and consider them in Reserved MD.

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Now when you add a new Work Allocation, you'll be able to enter the Requested MD instead of a Percentage, defining how many Man Days you need in this Work Allocation.

It also visualises Reserved and Available MD on User/Team Availability view:

The solution consists of two parts:

There are also additional solutions, which contain views for User, Team or both to add demand and manage capacity in Man Days:

Agile Release Train (ART) Demand, Capacity and Velocity

The solution allows tracking the upcoming demand of Agile Release Trains (ARTs)  for existing and forthcoming InitiativesProjects, or any other Work Items, seeing ARTs' availability, and balancing the available and allocated capacity within a specific Period (such as Week, Month, Quarter or Year). Such demand and capacity management approaches are applicable for high-level planning when no work estimates are provided yet, and no lower-level items, such as Features or User Stories, exist. Planning is happening to roughly understand how much capacity is needed for work to be done and find the right ARTs to do the work. It also allows tracking if ARTs are going to be overloaded or see which ARTs are available to spread the load.

The are the following solutions released in this toppic:

Agile Release Train (ART) Availability in Periods

The solution is used to track ARTs Total, Reserved and Available Capacity per a Period: such as a Year, Quarter, Month or Week. Now you can see a new Availabilities tab on a ART view and see what capacity is reserved and how much capacity is still available.

Agile Release Train (ART) Demand and Allocation

From now on you can create Work Allocations for Agile Release Trains and see what ARTs are overloaded and underloaded, as well as find an available ART to allocate to work.

Agile Release Train (ART) Actual, Average and Forecasted Velocity

The solution enables a possibility to track Agile Release Train ActualAverage and Forecasted VelocityAgile Release Train Actual Velocity will be calculated as an effort completed in a Program Increment, which will allow to track ART Average Velocity and understand the ART Forecasted Velocity.

Cost per Point for Team and ART

The solutions enable the calculation of Cost per Point for a Team or Agile Release Train (ART)Cost per Point is calculated as Team (ART) Cost per period divided to a completed effort (or Team/ART Velocity) during the same period. This metric allows to forecast the cost of new Features, Epics and Portfolio Epics when estimations are done, and team cost is available.

You'll find the following solutions in the solution library:

  • Cost per Point (Team)
  • Cost per Point (Agile Release Train)

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