This release introduces filters in the main report’s scope that enable scanning of smaller subsets of synced issues, detecting conflicts, and getting report faster just for a required data subset. Now you can limit the set of items that need to be verified and sync quality proved. No need to wait many hours while all synced items scan will finish in order to see the conflicts or mismatches in a particular data synchronization. Even one work item or one release scope can be scanned and verified.
By default, the first option “Identify conflicts among the synchronized items’ fields” will scan all pairs of syncedissues. With no additional filters this can take hours.
Bigger integrations are recommended to use additional fitlers and validate sync quality by parts.
You can use DSL filters as in the Targetprocess boards and lists and scan conflcits for entities from one project or release.
For example, it could be ?ModifyDate == '20-Jul-2023' to find if there are mismatches in the data updated on July 20, 2023 in Targetprocess.
Or it could be a JQL fitler to select items for scanning from Jira perspective: Sprint IN openSprints() or project = “Credit Card Payments”:
Or WIQL filters in Azure DevOps integrations: