Scope Feasibility Assessment (Belfius variation) 1.0.0 | Targetprocess - Enterprise Agility Solution

Scope Feasibility Assessment (Belfius variation) 1.0.0

The solution is a variation of Scope Feasibility Assessment solution, however with slight modifications. The main ones: It works for Work Allocations created for Epics instead of Portfolio Epics It uses MMPI Priority field instead of Priority Number

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The solution is a variation of Scope Feasibility Assessment solution, however with slight modifications. The main ones:

  • It works for Work Allocations created for Epics instead of Portfolio Epics
  • It uses MMPI Priority field instead of Priority Number field

Required solutions and their implementation details for Belfius

It's installed on top of the following solutions:

  • Man Days instead of Percentage for Work Allocations (part 1) (ab174736-0f33-4c6b-83f6-249b4fd34513)
  • Man Days instead of Percentage for Work Allocations (part 2) (56d25912-3dc2-4408-b071-412406e2d190)

The solutions are enabled for Periods, representing Team Iterations. Team Availability calculated in MD for Periods.

Work Allocations Modifications

  1. When a new MMPI is created, it has Work Allocations created automatically based on the assigned Teams.
  2. Actual flag for Work Allocation is set to true by default
  3. Team is supposed to provide the following details:
    1. Requested MD: defining what effort (MD) are needed for them to complete the work.
    2. Short Impact Description
  4. If the fields are not filled, they are highlighted in red
  5. If a Team got unassigned:
    1. If Requested MD and Short Impact Description fields are not filled - then this Team Work Allocation got deleted
    2. If Requested MD or Short Impact Description fields are filled - then this Team Work Allocation got marked as not Actual (Actual = false) and is moved to the Final state, so shown as grey.
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  6. If the Team whose Work Allocation is not Actual got assigned again, them the Work Allocation get back to Actual = true.
  7. Work Allocations Spent MD is calculated based on Time Spent booked towards User Stories assigned to the Team and completed in an MMPI, considering that 7 Hours = 1 MD.
  8. As a result we can see Remaining MD = Requested MD - Spent MD.
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  9. If Spent MD > Requested MD, then Remaining MD = 0
  10. Work Allocations of inactive Teams are automatically marked as not Actual (Actual = false).
  11. Finished Work Allocations (Planned End Date < today) are moved to the final state automatically.
  12. Installed manually this solution to move WA through the states based on Planned Dates

MMPIs Modifications

When an MMPI are moved to the Design (Analysis) state:

  • It's required to set a Wished Release or a Release Label to it. The Planned End Date for MMPI (and further for its Work Allocations) will be copied from the Release MTO Date.
  • MMPI and its Work Allocations Planned Start Date will be copied from MMPI Start Date.

Scope Feasibility Assessment Solution Overview

The solution allows to assess if the scope (MMPIs (Epics) with Bankwide MMPI Priority defined) can be completed on time (based on a Release Label or Wished Release set) having the Requested MD for Team Work Allocations and taking into account Team Availabilities for Periods (Iterations).

The assessment is happening based on the following details provided for Work Allocations:

  • Bankwide MMPI Priority for MMPIs
  • Remaining MD for Work Allocations
  • Planned Start/End Dates for Work Allocations and Today's Date
  • Team Availability in Periods

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By clicking Recalculate Fit on any MMPI, the system will go through the MMPI's (according to their Bankwide MMPI Priority) Work Allocations and Demands, compare Work Allocations Remaining MD and try to split them across the future Demands. You can see how much the system try to put into each Demand in the Trying to Fit MD field. Then it compares Trying to Fit MD values with the remaining (left after the higher priority MMPIs Work Allocations fit) availability of a Team in the corresponding Period , and mark those Work Allocations which don't fit as Fit = false. In Demands you'll see how much MD fit from the WA Remaining MD (Fitting MD field). For example, it might be that only 1 out of 100 MD doesn't fit, so probably this MMPI is still good to go.

Note: The recalculation may take several minutes, as it's going through a lot of data. Please give it a time before checking the results.

The system will ignore the following Work Allocations:

  • Finished Work Allocations (in the final state)
  • Not Actual Work Allocations (Actual flag = false, it's set to false either when Work Allocation's Team is not assigned to the MMPI or if the Team is inactive)
  • Work Allocations with Requested MD = null
  • Work Allocations connected to MMPI with no Bankwide Priority Number
  • Work Allocations connected to MMPI in the Final state

If let's say Requested MD for one of the Team is much higher, we put 120 MD. We can see that the system couldn't fit the needed 60 MD into the second Demand, and though tried to fit more into the first Demand, however could't fit more than 61.49 MD based on the Team Availability in this Period, so the Work Allocation got marked as not Fit. MMPI also got marked as not Fit.

Corner Cases

  1. You can see Trying to Fit MD field may not be calculated. The reason of this can be that:
    1. The Team doesn't have any people in it
    2. The Team has People but no active Involvements for them
  2. You may see that Work Allocation doesn't fit in the hight Priority MMPIs. The reason for this may be:
    1. The Team doesn't have any people in it
    2. The Team has People their Involvements % = 0% for them
    3. People in the Team have Weekly Hours = 0

Automation Rules details:

  1. Work Allocation Planned MD calculation - manual trigger:
    • If the Recalculate Fit checkbox of an Epic is set to true, the rule will initiate the recalculation of Fitting MD for all the Work Allocations of each team that meet the following criteria:
      • The parent Epic's "Bankwide MMPI Priority" field is not null.
      • The parent Epic is not in a Final State.
      • The Remaining MD is not null.
      • The number of unfinished demands is greater than 0.
      • The Work Allocation is unfinished.
    • The recalculation is activated by sending a specific value to the first unfinished Demand of a Work Allocation with the highest (ascending order) Epic "Bankwide MMPI Priority" value.
  2. Work Allocation Planned MD calculation - iteration positive/negative:
    • These rules contain the main logic of Fitting MD distribution.
    • They iterate along a list of Work Allocations of a Team.
    • The distribution process is as follows:
      • ARs take the Remaining MD value of a Work Allocation and try to split it between unfinished demands of the Work Allocation.
      • If a Demand can't contain this amount of MD, ARs will try to split the remaining MD among other demands.
      • The calculation of the maximum amount of MD that can fit in a demand is as follows:
        • (Availability[Total MD] – Sum(Fitting MD) of Demands where (team == the demand team and their Work Allocation is valid and those Work Allocation’s Epics priority higher)) * [Total MD] / availability[Total MD].
      • When the distribution for the Work Allocation is finished, ARs try to find a Work Allocation with a lower Epic priority and trigger the next rule.
  3. Work Allocation Fitting MD calculation:
    • This rule summarizes the Fitting MD of unfinished Demands in a Work Allocation and sets this value to the Fitting MD of the Work Allocation.
    • Additionally, the rule updates the Fit checkbox of the Work Allocation according to the formula: Fitting MD >= Remaining MD.
  4. MD Spent calculation rules:
    • The rules work independently.
    • MD Spent of a Work Allocation is equal to the sum of TimeSpent of User Stories assigned to the same Epic and Team as the Work Allocation.

Priority Number solution details

The following extras have been added:

  • Include in DVA field for MMPI
  • Include in DVA for MMPI metric to exclude some MMPIs from Priority Number calculations

The following solution has been installed:

  • Explicit Priority for Work Items v.2.2 (22a7d33c-9582-4fa7-a8a9-9910d4c94151)

The solution is configured to only set Priority Numbers for MMPIs with value Yes in Include in DVA field


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