Solution Overview The solution is used to reset Proposed Labor Budget values when you used one of the following solutions and would like to use another one: Proposed Budget based on Work Allocations (42443633-10b5-4f5e-8a80-92803f2a49d6) Proposed Budget based on
Solution Overview
The solution is used to reset Proposed Labor Budget values when you used one of the following solutions and would like to use another one:
- Proposed Budget based on Work Allocations (42443633-10b5-4f5e-8a80-92803f2a49d6)
- Proposed Budget based on Headcount (554b7246-c1fb-412e-abc1-86a918814c04)
The solution will also enable the metrics which have to be deleted before Proposed Budget based on Headcount solution installation:
- Proposed Labor Budget for Annual Budget
- Proposed Labor Budget in Scope for Annual Budget
So, keep them if you installed Proposed Budget based on Headcount solution, and now you want uninstall it and try Proposed Budget Based on Work Allocations. If vice versa, please delete them as described in Proposed Budget based on Headcount solution.
Solution Usage
When you uninstall one of the Proposed Budget solutions, the Proposed Labor Budget values for Budgets are not reset, so it may lead to incorrect numbers. To reset them to $0, please do the following:
- Install the solution
- Go to Settings -> Automation rules
- Enable and open the following rule:
- Set Proposed Labor Budget for future Monthly Budgets to 0
- Disable the rule
It will only clear the data for the Months, which haven't been started yet. If you need to clear the data for other Periods, you need to adjust the rule code. To do that you need to replace today by DateTime.Parse(“2023-04-20”). It'll set to 0 all the values for the Months, which start later than the provided date.
Version 1.0
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