Release Management (merge PR, push to integration branch, release/hotfix branches) 1.0.0 | Targetprocess - Enterprise Agility Solution

Release Management (merge PR, push to integration branch, release/hotfix branches) 1.0.0

This rule provides basic release management capabilities. It allows to create builds automatically and link work items (user stories and bugs) to them based on the activity in the git repository. This rule requires DevOps integration and checked to work

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This rule provides basic release management capabilities. It allows to create builds automatically and link work items (user stories and bugs) to them based on the activity in the git repository. This rule requires DevOps integration and checked to work with GitHub. This rule is largely inspired by GitFlow.

The following scenarios are supported:

  1. For each repository's integration branch (master, by default. Can be customized in the rule's body.) a new build with name "{repo-name} {some-id} - Next" (from now on, next build) will be created automatically. All work that is pushed to the integration branch will be linked to the next build.
  2. Push commit to the repository integration branch (master by default). Commit message should contain Targetprocess entity id. Good commit messages: "US#1235 description", "#716 description", "123 description" are good samples". Commit message pattern can be customized in the rule's body.
  3. Merge pull request to the repository integration branch. Pull request's name should contain Targetprocess entity id. The pattern is the same as for commit messages (see above).
  4. When new release branch is created next build will be renamed according to the release branch name, e.g. release branch name is "release/1.0.0", then "next" will become "{repo-name} {some-id} - 1.0.0". All the work attached to the build will remain intact. New new build for the integration branch will be created. Release branch name should look like "release/{version}" or "hotfix/{version}".
  5. Push commit to the release branch will link the entity which id is specified in the commit message to the release build.

Known limitations:

  1. Only release and hotfix branches created based on the latest integration branch commit is supported for now. To avoid wrong linking of work items to release/hotfix branches based on past commits make sure to create a build for them manually. Pushes to such integration branch will be handled correctly and work items will be assigned to the release/hotfix build in the proper way.


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Targetprocess facilitates enterprise agility at all levels by enabling both Business and IT to work in one holistic solution. To help ensure value flow visibility and collaboration across the entire enterprise, Targetprocess allows a powerful set of integrations covering use cases for different levels and roles within organization.

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For Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery 

Azure DevOps
Azure DevOps
Automatically associate branches and pull requests with Targetprocess entities
Automatically link branches and merge requests to Targetprocess entities.
Automatically associate branches and pull requests with Targetprocess entities.
Link code revisions with any Targetprocess entity.
Automatically associate branches and pull requests with Targetprocess entities.
Connect Targetprocess entities with work items, reflect issues back as Bugs or User Stories.

For Product Management, ITSM, Sales and Marketing to Stay on the Same Page 

Centralize unstructured communication on Miro’s online whiteboard inside Targetprocess.
Microsoft Project Server
Microsoft Project Server
Provide visibility into high-level goals and details about implementation for all teams.
Synchronize customer service, sales, the PM office, and development teams.
Allow all team members to collaborate on shared artifacts from customer service tickets.
Collaborate on shared work items, consolidate reporting across the entire organization.