PI Planning Participation Access Scheduler 1.1.0 | Targetprocess - Enterprise Agility Solution

PI Planning Participation Access Scheduler 1.1.0

Solution Overview This solution enables Integration Users access to Apptio Targetprocess during PI Planning Events. The access to the system is provided for a specified time frame, based on PI Planning Event Start Date and the duration defined. Solution Flow When the solution

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Solution Overview

This solution enables Integration Users access to Apptio Targetprocess during PI Planning Events. The access to the system is provided for a specified time frame, based on PI Planning Event Start Date and the duration defined.

Solution Flow

When the solution is installed you'll see two new fields on an Integration User view:

  • Access start date
  • Access end date

Those fields will be populated automatically based on PI Planning Event Start Dates, providing an Integration User access to Apptio Targetprocess for this period.

As a system admin, you have to set PI Planning User check box to true for those Integration Users who need access to Targetprocess during PI Planning Events. The Access start date and Access end date will be automatically filled based on the Start Date of the earliest upcoming Planning Interval (PI) which a User has access to.

Targetprocess Image

For quicker make Users PI Planning Users, you can use Integration Users view in PI Planning Access. Select the needed Integration Users and update PI Planning User check box using batch action menu.

Solution Configuration

To define how many days before and after PI Planning Even Start Date the User should get access to the system, you need to configure the following parameters. 

  • DaysBeforePIPlanning - the number of calendar days Integration Users will have access to the Apptio Targetprocess before the PI Planning Event.
  • DaysAfterPIPlanning - the number of calendar days Integration Users will have access to the Apptio Targetprocess after the PI Planning Event.

By default, it'll be 7 days before and 7 days after the PI Planning Event Start Date. As a result, the Access Start Date and Access End Date will be calculated as following:

  • Access start date = PI Planning Start Date - DaysBeforePIPlanning
  • Access end date = PI Planning Start Date + DaysAfterPIPlanning

To update the rules:

  • Go to Settings -> Automation Rules
  • Open the following rules one by one:
    • Calculate access dates for integration users - main rule
    • Calculate access dates for integration users - periodical trigger
  • Click JSON tab
  • Update the parameters
  • Save the rule

Note 1: The solution prevents access overlaps by considering intersected PIs and selecting the earliest starting PI for date calculations.

Note 2: In further PI planning events, the Access start date and Access end date will be updated automatically if the PI Planning User custom field is set to true.

Note 3: If a user loses access to Portfolio (direct or via Team), then the access if the current one exists will be stopped the day before today.


See how Targetprocess aligns and empowers business and IT with the help of powerful integrations.

Targetprocess facilitates enterprise agility at all levels by enabling both Business and IT to work in one holistic solution. To help ensure value flow visibility and collaboration across the entire enterprise, Targetprocess allows a powerful set of integrations covering use cases for different levels and roles within organization.

For Transparency above the Team Level 

Azure DevOps
Azure DevOps
Add Targetprocess on top of the team level tool: get visibility on Product and Portfolio level.
Atlassian Jira Software
Atlassian Jira Software
Ensure free data flow from Jira to Targetprocess for greater visibility for all team members.

For Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery 

Azure DevOps
Azure DevOps
Automatically associate branches and pull requests with Targetprocess entities
Automatically link branches and merge requests to Targetprocess entities.
Automatically associate branches and pull requests with Targetprocess entities.
Link code revisions with any Targetprocess entity.
Automatically associate branches and pull requests with Targetprocess entities.
Connect Targetprocess entities with work items, reflect issues back as Bugs or User Stories.

For Product Management, ITSM, Sales and Marketing to Stay on the Same Page 

Centralize unstructured communication on Miro’s online whiteboard inside Targetprocess.
Microsoft Project Server
Microsoft Project Server
Provide visibility into high-level goals and details about implementation for all teams.
Synchronize customer service, sales, the PM office, and development teams.
Allow all team members to collaborate on shared artifacts from customer service tickets.
Collaborate on shared work items, consolidate reporting across the entire organization.