Man Days instead of Percentage for Work Allocations (part 1) 2.5.0 | Targetprocess - Enterprise Agility Solution

Man Days instead of Percentage for Work Allocations (part 1) 2.5.0

Requires the following solutions to be installed: User Demand and Allocation (e683fdf5-c716-43fa-8d42-05ce4415b889) – if you need it only for User Allocations Team Demand and Allocation (868e93a9-2211-4b45-b207-4399b3e9d9ce) – if you need it only for Team Allocations Both mentioned above

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Requires the following solutions to be installed:

  • User Demand and Allocation (e683fdf5-c716-43fa-8d42-05ce4415b889) – if you need it only for User Allocations
  • Team Demand and Allocation (868e93a9-2211-4b45-b207-4399b3e9d9ce) – if you need it only for Team Allocations
    • Both mentioned above solutions are required – if you need it for User and Team Allocations together
  • Vacation Tracking (092e7368-6aa6-4cfb-878e-2c2adbb5624a)
  • Working Days (7fe5edc0-360f-4fca-9eec-05d754a89fe8)

It can be extended by the following solutions:

  • User Involvement in a Team (Assign User approach) (3e2198a4-3998-432d-b3c4-212e3a6f1078) – if you want to consider User Involvements in Teams in calculations
  • User Involvement in a Team (Create Involvement approach) (47c3ab73-4ff8-4acf-a066-43649df5b9af) – if you want to consider User Involvements in Teams in calculations

You need to install one of the following solutions to have views with Man Days available:

  • User Demand and Allocation in Man Days Views (e2b486c1-49e6-4550-838b-32bae5f2f0c1) (if you use Work Allocations for Users only)
  • Team Demand and Allocation in Man Days Views (57c535fd-e7b9-4cb2-bbf7-507cebed389c) (if you use Work Allocations for Teams only)
  • User and Team Demand and Allocation in Man Days Views (679c630f-ed6f-46d8-93d9-647bc7c4446a) (if you use Work Allocations for Users and Teams)

Note: The solution consists of two parts, after the configuration of Part 1 you need to remove a metric and install Part 2. It's very important to do so if you already have Work Allocation with Percentage defined, so that you don't lose the data.

Important before the solution installation:

  • Delete Reserved Capacity for Availability metric
  • Disable the following automation rule:
    •  Generate Demands and connect Periods based on Planned Start / Planned End Date of Work Allocation

Please check the Solution Configuration section for more details on how to do it.


Solution Overview

The solution is an extension of User and/or Team Capacity Demand and Allocation solutions and allows entering Requested Man Days (or MD) instead of Percentage. It also shows how many Man Days a User/Team has available during a period of time, how many Man Days are booked for Time Off (Vacations, Sick Leaves and Public Holidays) and what Percentage of people time is Reserved and Available.

User View

After the solution installation, you'll see the following new fields on a User view:

  • Days per Week - how many days per week a User works (by default all the Users will be set to 5 days per week, but it can be adjusted after the solution installation and you can set different values for different users)
  • Daily Hours - how many hours a User works daily (calculated as Weekly Hours / Days per Week)
  • Daily MD - a conversion of a User Daily Hours to Man Days (by default 1 MD = 8 Hours, but it can be changed in a metric)

This Users information will be used to calculate how many Man Days a User/Team has during a Period (Week, Month, etc), how many Man Days their Time Off takes from the total capacity, as well as what Percentage of Work Allocation the Requested Man Days take from the Total Man Days of a Work Allocation based on the allocated User/Team (or with no User/Team).

Vacations, Sick Days and Public Holidays views

To consider the capacity booked for Time Off, there also will be additional fields on Vacations, Sick Days and Public Holidays:

Targetprocess Image

  • Working Days - how many Working Days a Time Off takes
  • Requested MD - a conversion of Working Days into Man Days based on User Daily MD parameter (Requested MD = WorkingDays*User.DailyMD)

Requested MD will be changed in case Half Day option is selected for a Time Off. For Example: if a person Daily MD = 0.5 MD (he works 20 hours per week 5 days a week), and he requested 2 working days of vacation with Half Day option enabled, it'll be converted into Requested MD = 1 (Working Days*User.DailyMD/2).

Work Allocation view

Now when you add a new Work Allocation, you'll be able to enter the Requested MD instead of a Percentage, defining how many Man Days you need in this Work Allocation.

There will be extra fields on Work Allocations and Demands:

  • Working Days - How may Working Days (excluding Saturdays and Sundays) a Work Allocation takes
  • Total MD - how many Man Days it's converted to based on User Daily MD (for Team - the Users in the Team)
  • Time Off, MD - How many Man Days of Time Off a User (for Team - the Users in the Team) has during the period of Work Allocation


  • If it's a User Work Allocation with no a Connected User/Team, Total MD will be calculated:
    • for User, considering that 1 Working Day = 1 MD
    • for Team, considering that 1 Working Day = 1 MD and AVG Number of Users in a Team parameter (5 by default, but can be adjusted in the automation rule)

A Percentage for Work Allocations and Demands will be calculated as Percentage (MD) = (Requested MD+Time Off, MD)/Total MD*100.

Availability view

For a User and a Team you'll also see additional fields for Availabilities:

  • Total MD - how many Man Days a User/Team has during a Period (based on Users Daily MD and a number of Working Days in a Period)
  • Reserved MD - how many Man Days are reserved by Work Allocations and Time Off
  • Available MDTotal MD minus Reserved MD

Note: Reserved Capacity in this solution will be calculated as (Reserved MD / Total MD)*100%

Note: Currently the solution will consider all – active and inactive – users in a team. We work on the next version to exclude such inactive Users from Total MD calculation.

Solution Configuration

Delete Reserved Capacity for Availability metric

As Reserved Capacity is calculated differently for User/Team Demand and Allocation in Percentage solution, we need to delete the installed before metric. To do that:

  • Go to Settings -> Metrics
  • Delete Reserved Capacity for Availability metric

Disable the rule

  • Go to Settings -> Automation Rules
  • Disable the following rule:
    •  Generate Demands and connect Periods based on Planned Start / Planned End Date of Work Allocation

Set Weekly Hours and Calculate Daily Hours/MD for Users

In different organizations people may work different number of Weekly Hours per week. Also if you use Man Day not equal to 8 Hours, but let's say 7 Hours, we need to adjust Users' Weekly Hours correspondingly. I.e. if a User works full time, however your MDValue equals to 7 Hours, we need to set Users' Weekly Hours to 35 Hours (5days 7 hours per day) instead of 40 Hours. To do that:

  • Go to Settings -> Automation Rules
  • Open Set the same Weekly Hours value for all Users (one-time action, disable after run) automation rule
  • Click JSON tab
  • Update UserWeeklyHours parameter with the needed value
  • Click Save and Trigger button

Update Daily MD for User metric

By default 1 MD = 8 Hours. In case it's different for your organization:

  • Go to Settings -> Metrics
  • Open Daily MD for User metrics
  • Change 8 to the needed value
  • Save the metric

Now it might happen that Daily Hours and Daily MD for Users haven't been recalculated. To recalculate it:

  • Go to Settings -> Metrics
  • Click Recalculate button for Daily Hours for User and Daily MD for User metrics

Delete (or Update and Delete) Days per Week metric

To calculate Daily MD parameter for each User, we use Users' Days per Week. By default it's be set to null when the solution is installed. To quickly set the correct Days per Week value for each User, there is metric, which set all the Users Days per Week parameter equal to 5 days a week, which is the most common for organizations. If people in your company work a different number of days per week, you can change the metric and it'll recalculate new values for all Users in the system. To do that:

  • Go to Settings -> Metrics
  • Open Days per week for User metric
  • Update the number in a metric
  • Save the metric

When all the Users' Days per Week are filled with the correct number, you have to delete this metric, as it'll not allow you to set a different from the default value for a User if he work less or more Days per Week.

Set AVG Number of Users in a Team parameter

There can be Work Allocation with No User and No Team set, and we may still need to calculate Total MD for them.

For Work Allocation with Allocation Type = User but with no Connected User set, Total MD will be equal to Working Days value.

For Work Allocation with Allocation Type = Team with no Connected Team set, Total MD will be equal to AVG Number of Users in a Team * Working Days value.

To set AVG Number of Users in a Team parameter, do the following:

  • Go to Settings -> Automation Rules
  • Open Calculate Total MD and Time Off, MD for Work Allocation, Public Holiday, Sick Leave, Vacation and their Demands rule
  • Click JSON tab
  • Check the following parameter value:
    • avgPeopleInTeam = 5 (update the parameter to match the average number of people in a Team so that you could see approximate available Total MD for Work Allocation with no allocated Team yet)
  • Click Save button

Make Percentage Field System instead of Required

As with this solution Percentage will be calculated automatically, you need to make this field system for Work Allocations. You can do this in the following way:

  • Go to Settings -> Custom Fields
  • Select Work Allocations in the filter
  • Open Percentage field
  • Make it System

Calculate Working Days

For the correct work of the solution you must have Working Days solution installed and configured for the various entities.

  • Install Working Days (7fe5edc0-360f-4fca-9eec-05d754a89fe8) solution
  • Enable and open the following Automation Rule:
    • Initial - Calculate working days for existing entities
  • Go to JSON tab. Update the following Automation Rule parameters:
    • "cf": "Working Days",
    • "endDate": "PlannedEndDate",
    • "startDate": "PlannedStartDate",
    • "entityType": "Demand" 
  • After running the rule for Demand entity, change the entityType and run it again. Repeat for all the entityTypes:
    • Availability
    • WorkAllocation
    • Demand
    • Vacation
    • SickLeave
    • PublicHoliday
    • Overtime
  • Open the following Automation Rule and add all of these entities to the rule condition so further Working Days will be calculated automatically for the new entities:
    • Calculate working days for Planned Start Date and Planned End Date


Set the rule parameters

There are several parameters that need to be adjusted in the automation rules to calculate Total MD correctly:

  • "useTeams": true – set it to True, if you use Team Demand and Allocation solution
  • "useUsers": true  – set it to True, if you use User Demand and Allocation solution
  • "useInvolvements": false – set to true if you use one of User Involvement in a Team solutions
  • "periodType": "Period" – set the correct Period type you use (YearPeriod, QuarterPeriod, MonthPeriod, WeekPeriod or Period)

By default the solution is installed for Users and Teams with no Involvements, for MonthPeriod. In case your setup differs from the default one, you need to adjust automation rules. To do that:

  • Go to Settings -> Automation Rules
  • Open the following rules one by one:
    • Availability - Manual trigger to calculate Total MD
    • Availability - Trigger Total MD calculation for Team when Availability is created
    • Availability - Trigger Total MD calculation when Users are added to a Team
    • Availability - Trigger Total MD calculation when Daily MD is modified for a User
    • Availability - Trigger Total MD calculation when Involvement is updated for a Connected Team
    • Availability - Calculate Total MD for Availability - main rule
    • Time Off - Manual trigger for MD recalculation for existing Time Offs and Demands
    • Time Off - Trigger MD recalculation when Vacation/SickLeave/PublicHoliday are updated
    • Time Off - Trigger MD recalculation when User is updated
    • Time Off - Create Demands when Vacation/SickLeave/PublicHoliday are created
    • Time Off - Connect Vacation/SickLeave/PublicHoliday Demands to Availabilities for ConnectedUser
    • WA - Manual trigger for MD recalculation for existing WA and Demands
    • WA - Trigger MD recalculation when Involvement is updated
    • WA - Trigger MD recalculation when TeamMembers are updated for a Team
    • WA - Trigger MD recalculation when User is updated
    • Set name for WA and Demands linked to WA/Vacation/SickLeave/PublicHoliday
    • Calculate Total MD and Time Off, MD for Work Allocation, Public Holiday, Sick Leave, Vacation and their Demands - main rule
  • Go to JSON tab
  • Update the parameters
  • Save the rule

Calculate Total MD for Availabilities

Now we need to calculate how many Man Days in each availability for a User or/and a Team. To do that:

  • Go to Settings -> Automation Rules:
  • Enable all the automation rules starting from the word Availability:
    • Availability - Manual trigger to calculate Total MD
    • Availability - Trigger Total MD calculation for Team when Availability is created
    • Availability - Trigger Total MD calculation when Users are added to a Team
    • Availability - Trigger Total MD calculation when Daily MD is modified for a User
    • Availability - Trigger Total MD calculation when Involvement is updated for a Connected Team
    • Availability - Calculate Total MD for Availability - main rule
  • Open Availability - Manual trigger to calculate Total MD rule
  • Click Save and Trigger button

Check that all the Availabilities got Total MD values calculated:

Create Demands for existing  Time Off (Vacation, Sick Leave and Public Holidays)

Now we need to calculate how many Man Days in each existing Time Off (Vacation, Sick Leave and Public Holidays) entities. To do that:

  • Go to Settings -> Automation Rules:
  • Enable all the automation rules starting from the word Time Off:
    • Time Off - Manual trigger for MD recalculation for existing Time Offs and Demands
    • Time Off - Trigger MD recalculation when Vacation/SickLeave/PublicHoliday are updated
    • Time Off - Create Demands for existing Vacation/SickLeave/PublicHoliday entities
    • Time Off - Create Demands when Vacation/SickLeave/PublicHoliday are created
    • Time Off - Connect Vacation/SickLeave/PublicHoliday Demands to Availabilities for ConnectedUser
    • Time Off - Delete Demands when parent Vacation/SickLeave/PublicHoliday is removed
    • Calculate Total MD and Time Off, MD for Work Allocation, Public Holiday, Sick Leave, Vacation and their Demands - main rule
  • Open Time Off - Manual trigger for MD recalculation for existing Time Offs and Demands rule
  • Click Save and Trigger button

To see that the rule has been processed correctly, you should see Demands created for existing Time Off entities:

Calculate Total MD for Work Allocations

Now we need to calculate how many Man Days in each existing Work Allocations. To do that:

  • Go to Settings -> Automation Rules:
  • Enable all the automation rules starting from the word WA:
    • WA - Manual trigger for MD recalculation for existing WA and Demands
    • WA - Trigger MD recalculation when Involvement is updated
    • WA - Trigger MD recalculation when WA is updated
    • WA - Trigger MD recalculation when TeamMembers are updated for a Team
    • WA - Trigger MD recalculation when User is updated
    • Set name for WA and Demands linked to WA/Vacation/SickLeave/PublicHoliday
  • Open WA - Manual trigger for MD recalculation for existing WA and Demands rule
  • Click Save and Trigger button

As a result Total MD should be calculated for Work Allocations:

Calculate Requested MD for existing Work Allocations and Demands

In case you had existing Work Allocations with Percentage set in the system, we need to calculate Requested MD for these Work Allocations, so you don't loose any entered before data. In case it hasn't been calculated automatically, so the following:

  • Go to Settings -> Metrics
  • Click Recalculate button for the following metrics:
    • Requested MD for Work Allocations
    • Requested MD for Demands
  • Check that Requested MD for Work Allocations and Demands have been recalculated (it should be equal to (Total MD-Time Off, MD)*Percentage/100)
  • Delete the metrics:
    • Requested MD for Work Allocations
    • Requested MD for Demands

Install the second part of the solution Man Days instead of Percentage for Work Allocations (part 2) (56d25912-3dc2-4408-b071-412406e2d190), which will introduce a calculation of Percentage based on entered Requested MD.

Known issue: Availabilities for Team don't consider Users' Time Off  if there are no Work Allocations created for this period. It'll be fixed with the next version of the solution.

Solution Views

Solution views need to be enabled by additional solutions. Please install the following solution on top, depending on the case you have:

  • User Demand and Allocation in Man Days Views (e2b486c1-49e6-4550-838b-32bae5f2f0c1) (if you use Work Allocations for Users only)
  • Team Demand and Allocation in Man Days Views (57c535fd-e7b9-4cb2-bbf7-507cebed389c) (if you use Work Allocations for Teams only)
  • User and Team Demand and Allocation in Man Days Views (679c630f-ed6f-46d8-93d9-647bc7c4446a) (if you use Work Allocations for Users and Teams)


Version 2.5


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