Requires the following solutions to be installed: Headcount Enablement (677f94f4-e45f-455e-b441-38a9f1ca5ea6) Person (User) Blended Rate (3110b8db-01a3-475a-89c3-08849e556683) Working Days (7fe5edc0-360f-4fca-9eec-05d754a89fe8) Can be extended with the following solution: Proposed Budget based on Headcount (554b7246-c1fb-412e-abc1-86a918814c04) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution Overview The solution enables the
Requires the following solutions to be installed:
- Headcount Enablement (677f94f4-e45f-455e-b441-38a9f1ca5ea6)
- Person (User) Blended Rate (3110b8db-01a3-475a-89c3-08849e556683)
- Working Days (7fe5edc0-360f-4fca-9eec-05d754a89fe8)
Can be extended with the following solution:
- Proposed Budget based on Headcount (554b7246-c1fb-412e-abc1-86a918814c04)
Solution Overview
The solution enables the calculation of Headcount Forecasted Cost based on Blended Rate (for Job Profile / Location combinations) and the Count of people needed for the Year, Quarter, Month, a custom duration (based on Planned Start/End Date) or Portfolio Epic duration. By providing information about Headcount needed, the system will calculate the total Forecasted Costs of a Portfolio Epic.
The forecasted Cost is calculated as Count * Blended Rate * Working Hours * Working Days, where
- Count – defines how many people are needed for this Headcount
- Blended Rate – a Rate defined for a combination of a Location and a Job Profile.
- Working Hours – the number of working hours per day
- Working Days - the number of working days in a Period
Solution Configuration
When you create a new Headcount, you'll define the Count of people needed, their Location and a Job Profile. There are variations of what can be a Headcount duration. It can be defined as:
- Duration of a connected Period (Year, Quarter, Month)
- Duration of a Portfolio Epic (based on Planned Start/End Dates)
- Duration of a Headcount itself (based on its Planned Start/End Dates)
By default a Headcount will be created for a Year Period, however you can customise the Period it as described in the Headcount Enablement solution.
Install and configure Working Days solution for the relevant entity
Depending on what dates you use for Headcount duration calculation, you need to install Working Days solution and configure it for the relevant entity. Possible values:
- YearPeriod
- QuarterPeriod
- MonthPeriod
- Headcount
- PortfolioEpic
To do that:
- Install Working Days solution (7fe5edc0-360f-4fca-9eec-05d754a89fe8)
- Configure it for the needed entity.
- Calculate Working Days for existing entities.
Adjust automation rules
By default, the rules are configured for a YearPeriod entity. If you use another entity for this solution please do the following steps:
- Go to Settings -> Automation Rules
- Open the following automation rules one by one:
- Recalculate Forecasted cost for Headcounts when a Blended Rate is updated
- Calculate Forecasted Cost for a Headcount - main rule
- Open the JSON tab
- Update WorkingDaysSource parameter with the correct value:
- YearPeriod
- QuarterPeriod
- MonthPeriod
- Headcount
- PortfolioEpic
- Update WorkingHours parameter, if you'd like to use different from 8 value
- Save the rules
Calculate Forecasted Costs for existing Headcounts
In case you already have Headcounts in your account, you'll need to trigger the Forecasted Cost calculation for them. If you decided to calculate Headcount duration not based on a Year, make sure that all the parameters are set for Headcounts: fill Quarter or Month or Planned Dates for Portfolio Epics or Headcounts.
Now everything is set to calculate Forecasted Cost for existing Headcounts. To do that:
- Go to Settings -> Automation Rules
- Enable and open the following automation rule:
- Calculate Forecasted Cost for a Headcount - initial trigger
- Click Save and trigger now button
Version 1.1
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