Demand and Allocation Core 3.3.0 | Targetprocess - Enterprise Agility Solution

Demand and Allocation Core 3.3.0

Requires at least one of the following solutions to be installed: User Availability in Periods (e66dfd23-316f-4cc7-9604-63097fe99d67) Team Availability in Periods (fc7114c3-d036-498b-8a63-3a2160d4f68d) Agile Release Train (ART) Availability in Periods (70faa5b3-008c-4726-b7b7-ad708276ecd2) The solution is a required component of the following

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Requires at least one of the following solutions to be installed:

  • User Availability in Periods (e66dfd23-316f-4cc7-9604-63097fe99d67)
  • Team Availability in Periods (fc7114c3-d036-498b-8a63-3a2160d4f68d)
  • Agile Release Train (ART) Availability in Periods (70faa5b3-008c-4726-b7b7-ad708276ecd2)

The solution is a required component of the following solutions (where you can also read about the solution flow):

  • User Demand and Allocation (e683fdf5-c716-43fa-8d42-05ce4415b889)
  • Team Demand and Allocation (868e93a9-2211-4b45-b207-4399b3e9d9ce)
  • Agile Release Train (ART) Demand and Allocation (5094bc62-d370-47a5-af4c-45d53ce63e68)

The solution can be extended by the following solution if you need to perform capacity planning by Custom Period (rather than by Years, Quarters, Months, Weeks). Please follow the description in this solution to install and configure capacity planning by Custom Period (start from there).

  • Demand and Allocation by Custom Period (b6de9541-35bb-4aad-8679-53b5fa6f5eab)


Solution Overview

The solution keeps the common rules, layouts, mashups, etc. for User, Team and ART Demand and Allocation solutions. It allows to use any combination of those solutions, based on who – Users, Teams or/and ARTs – you need to define demand and perform capacity planning.

Note: Starting from the v.3.2 it will have the following functionality. It'll move Work Allocations through the states based on either their States or based on Planned Dates using the following logic:

  • If a Work Allocation Planned Start Date happens and a Work Allocation is not In Progress (the first state after the Planned state, or the first state after the Initial state if the Planned state doesn't exist in thr workflow) state, then it'll be moved to In Progress state, so its Start Date = Planned Start Date.
  • If a Work Allocation Planned Start Date happens and a Work Allocation is In Progress state, then nothing happens and the current Start Date will be kept.
  • If a Work Allocation Planned End Date happens and a Work Allocation is not in the Final state, then it'll be moved to the Final state, so its End Date = Planned End Date.
  • If a Work Allocation Planned End Date happens and a Work Allocation is in the Final state, then nothing happens and the current End Date will be kept.

If you had the solution installed before the 18th of September 2023, then please install the following solution to enable the described logic if needed:

  • Demand and Allocation Core v.3.2 extension (40f0853b-ec37-49db-89df-44fca54ec9d5)

This solution is required for Scope Feasibility Assessment solution.

Solution Configuration

Adjust Allocation Type custom field

By default the custom field Allocation Type contains three values – User, Team, ART – to support all the solutions for User, Team and ART Demand and Allocation. The values in the fields need to be adjusted to match the allocation types you use, i.e. you need to delete those which are not in use, and only leave those which are needed. To do that:

  • Go to Settings -> Custom Fields
  • Click Edit button next to Allocation Type custom field
  • Delete the values that are not needed
  • Set default value equal to the type of allocation you need if only one of them (User, Team or ART) is used

If you use Work Allocations for two or more solutions you need to leave there 2 or 3 needed values: User, Team or ART and leave the default value empty, so people have to choose the needed value when create a Work Allocation.

Adjust Allocation Type at Automation Rules

Perform the same change - leave only the necessary Allocation Types at Automation Rules parameter values:

  1. Go to Settings -> Automation Rules
  2. Open the following rules one by one:
    • Generate Demands and connect Periods based on Planned Start / Planned End Date of Work Allocation
    • Connect Demands to Availabilities by Periods
    • Update Overloaded for Work Allocations
    • Update Overloaded for Demands
    • Update Overloaded for Demands when Work Allocation Status is updated
  3. Click JSON tab
  4. Adjust ParentTypes parameter based on the period type you need by removing the unnecessary values from the list.
  5. Open the following rule:
    • Clear previous User/Team/ART when Allocation Type is changed for Work Allocation
  6. Adjust the AllocationTypeReferences value the same way.


Add Percentage editable unit

To enable the possibility to edit Work Allocation Percentage on roadmaps you need to create an editable unit for the Percentage field.

  • Go to Settings -> Custom Units
  • Add Percentage field

After this, you'll see Percentage on Work Allocation cards on roadmaps and will be able to adjust by clicking it.

Adjust Period

The solution is installed for Months by default. However, if you prefer to use Weeks, Quarters, Years or custom Periods instead, you need to adjust Automation Rules in the solution:

  1. Go to Settings -> Automation Rules
  2. Open the following rules one by one:
    • Generate Demands and connect Periods based on Planned Start / Planned End Date of Work Allocation
    • Connect Demands to Availabilities by Periods
  3. Click JSON tab
  4. Adjust PeriodType parameter based on the period type you need: WeekPeriod, MonthPeriod, QuarterPeriod, YearPeriod or Period

Adjust Overloaded

By default the Overloaded checkbox becomes true for Demands, when its connected Availability has Reserved Capacity > 100%. It will update for current and future Demands only; and if Work Allocation will have at least one overloaded Demand, the whole Work Allocation will be marked as Overloaded.

There is an exception - by default we do not consider the Demands belonging to Work Allocations with Status = Rejected. If you don't use Statuses or you use some custom values at Status field, perform the changes at the Automation Rules:

  1. Go to Settings -> Automation Rules
  2. Open the following rules one by one:
    • Update Overloaded for Work Allocations
    • Update Overloaded for Demands
    • Update Overloaded for Demands when Work Allocation Status is updated
  3. Click JSON tab
  4. If you don't need to consider Status at Overloaded at all, set UseStatus to false.
  5. If you would like to use any other value than Rejected at Status field, change ExclusiveValue to the necessary one.


Version 3.3 (9th November 2023)


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