Brief summary of this article:
Sometimes while adding a comment you need to be sure that a particular person will read it. Just mention the person you need in your comment and he/she will get an email notification.
It is very similar to Twitter mentions. Type @ sign with the first letters of user’s name, then you will see a list of matching people. Select one you want. You can mention several people in a single comment for sure.
When you reply to a comment, a person who added the comment will be auto mentioned.
A person who was mentioned in the comment will receive an email notification with a full comment text:
Mention Teams in comments
When you start typing several symbols after an '@' symbol, you will now not only see a list of users, but also a list of teams above the users. If you mention a team, then all its members receive an email notification. In the comment, the mentioned Team (or User) becomes a link to the Team's (or User's) view.
Mentions in Markdown editor
When you use Markdown editor, the syntax for mentions is quite different.
@mention single user:
@user:admin[Targetprocess Administrator] Test message to Admin
@mention team users:
@team:123[iOS Team] Test message to all members of iOS team
You don't need to remember the syntax because as soon as you start to type @ and following text, the smart popup with suggestions appears automatically.
Mention external users
Abilities to @mention external users who do not have Targetprocess account and @mention Service Desk requesters are not supported so far.
Customize email templates
Mention Created email template can be edited by Administrators on the Settings -> System Settings -> Email Notifications page.
How to see all the mentions in one place?
- Is it possible to see all the mentions in one place for quick access?
- For the future, we have plans to implement a possibility for a user to view the updates associated with his/her items including comments and mentions.
List of comments you're mentioned in
There is a dashboard widget that shows the latest comments added to entities in selected Portfolios (Projects) and Teams. It is possible to see comments related to you: the ones you're tagged it, and the comments to entities you follow or assigned to or.
View Filters for entities with @mentions
If you know the email of @mentioned user it is possible to create a View with all the items where he/she was ever mentioned. Here is how the filter looks like:
The view filter is based on the fact that whenever you @mention a user, his/her email is inserted into the corresponding comment.
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