- Completed and Remaining Effort
- Reports based on Effort
- Metrics for Bugs in User Stories and Features
- Calculation of Team Iteration progress
- Report for total completed Effort / Velocity
- Actual Time Spent vs Estimated Effort comparison report
- How is Progress calculated for work items: User Stories, Tasks, Bugs, Requests
- Measuring progress of high-level planning entities: Features, Epics, Projects, Releases, Sprints, Team Iterations
Brief summary of this article:
The general process of Sprint planning
In terms of Agile practices, the Scrum team is supposed to perform not as separate members, but each team member is supposed to be discussing and providing assistance to the others, e.g. the Team goal should be related to the continuous delivery and finishing Stories in the specified terms. So it's more about the Agile mindset and teamwork usually. If no other story has a higher priority, then User Stories and Bugs can be moved into the next sprint. Otherwise, if there is not enough capacity in the sprint, then such items might be moved back into the product backlog to be accommodated and split into smaller workpieces.
In case some work cannot be finished within one Sprint, it means that planning was not correct and estimation was not accurate. You may try to reduce the size of some US's or divide them into several smaller stories and make some sort of team Retrospective discussing possible weak places and what was the reason stopping you from making a specific work done. It may be either lack of team capacity or overpriced Sprint estimation.
Targetprocess Sprint planning
Basically, there are two different options in Targetprocess when not all the work has been finished within the Sprint. The first one is Splitting stories, and the second option is moving stories into the next Sprint. This option is available whenever you try to finish a Sprint:
In case you just Split data, you may use a simple Entity Report ( +Create ➜ Report ➜ Report type: Entity Report by User Stories or User Stories and Bugs) containing [Effort] and [Effort Complited] columns:
Please consider that you can additionally filter such reports by various parameters including the Team or Create Date.
Otherwise, if you move Stories from the current Sprint to the new one you can use Cumulative, Burn Up & Down Reports report. Such a report allows following changed effort during the Continuous Delivery, so you'll be able to watch User Story Effort carryover between the Sprints.
How to create such a report
To set it up please follow the steps below:
- Create a new Report (+Create ➜ Report)
- Select a Chart type report
- Choose one Team and all related Projects in the Projects and Teams selector.
- Choose User Stories as cards.
- Choose Teams as rows.
- Choose Team Iterations as columns.
- Apply DSL filter to Team Iterations or use Optional selectors to show the required Team Iterations
- Create report.
The Cumulative flow for User Stories and Bugs should be created separately
How to set it up?
You will have to add several formulas and calculations in order to make this report work:
- Create the following data fields:
- Name: TeamIteration ID , Formula: TeamIteration.Id
- Name: Current TeamIteration Id , Formula: CurrentUserStory.TeamIteration.Id
- Add one more data feild:
- Name: Is Changed Team Iteration
- Put [Team Iteration] data field on X-axis
- Add calculations for Y-axis:
- Name: Effort added after TI Start Date
- Calculation: SUMIF([Effort], [Date of Modification] <= [Team Iteration Start Date] and [Modification Valid To] >= [Team Iteration Start Date]) - SUMIF( [Effort], [Date of Modification] <= [Team Iteration End Date] and [Modification Valid To] >= [Team Iteration End Date])
- Name: Scope commitment at the beginning of the Sprint
- Calculation: SUMIF([Effort], [Date of Modification] <= [Team Iteration Start Date] and [Modification Valid To] >= [Team Iteration Start Date])
- Name: Scope commitment at the end of the sprint
- Calculation: SUMIF([Effort], [Date of Modification] <= [Team Iteration End Date] and [Modification Valid To] >= [Team Iteration End Date])
- Name: What was actually delivered by the end of the sprint (completed)
- Calculation: SUMIF([Effort Completed], [Date of Modification] <= [Team Iteration End Date] and [Modification Valid To] >= [Team Iteration End Date])
- Add specific filters if required in the visual filters section
- Finish Setup.
Default Data fields syntax may differ depending on the Terms used in the processes, e.g. [Team Iteration Start Date] can be shown as [Team Sprint Start Date] or [Team Iteration, Team Sprint Start Date].
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