With Time Tracking practice enabled, Targetprocess users post actually spent time against various entities. Detailed time reports are used to build lists of submitted records, group them per work items, work scopes, users, roles, and date ranges, and calculate totals per each group. It
When you have projects that are billed by the hour, accurate reporting becomes essential. However, in real life not all work items and not all time records are billable. Therefore plain effort and time spent totals are not accurate
The Targetprocess reports described below calculate operational costs of projects. The reports are based on project member allocations data. The reports use User Project Allocation entities as data source. Durations of the allocations are multiplied by personal weekly rates, and totals are calculated. For a
User Stories and Features in Targetprocess may contain related Bugs. Predefined calculations of total effort and time spent in User Stories and Features do not include related Bugs. This article describes how to configure custom calculations and summarize bugs'
Targetprocess makes it possible to track billable and non-billable entities and time records. This article describes how to set up the tool to summarize billable and non-billable time spent values per work items (User Stories, Tasks, Bugs, Requests) and high-level planning entities
Set up billable rates and track budgets for your projects. Configure different types of activities (time spent records) in your projects and calculate total time spent per each activity type on user stories and bugs level and per projects as well. Charge different rates from different clients and projects. Set up custom hourly rates per different types of activities that can vary across your projects. Calculate total budget spent (cost summary) per user story, bug, project using custom rates by activity type.