Brief summary of this article:
User, Administrator, Observer, and Contributor are user types in Targetprocess. Requester is an additional special user type as well. This article describes differences between them.
This is the basic account type in Targetprocess. Users have access to the work scope only within the Projects or Teams they belong to. Work from other Projects and Teams is hidden from them.
The first user in an instance is granted with Administrator permissions as soon as the new Targetprocess site is created. The almighty Administrators have unlimited access to all data and settings in the system. They can manage People accounts, set Projects and Teams access for them, modify any work in any Team or Project, create and edit Public Views, modify Roles, Processes, and Workflows.
More information: Administrator User Type.
Observer users have special behavior and permissions. When Observers are assigned to a Project, they are allowed to view and modify whatever complies with their Project Role. However, even if not included in the Project, this person still has viewing access to all Projects, but cannot edit anything. Active Observer users require a license.
More information: Observer User Type. View-only Access to All Projects.
The Contributor is a helpful new user type for users doing cross-project collaboration. As opposed to the Observer user type, who has read-only access to all public projects and teams in the system, Contributor users are allowed to edit. Contributors can modify any entity in any Project or Team which they are not a member of when their Default Role has permissions for the changes. Active Contributor users require a license.
More information: Contributor User Type. Edit Access to All Projects.
The Requester is a special entity in Targetprocess that represents an external user. As Requesters, your customers and stakeholders can log into a standalone Service Desk integrated with your Targetprocess site. Requesters don’t require a paid user license. More on this: Requests, Requesters and Votes Count.
How do I change a User’s type?
It is possible to see currently selected type for a user on his or her detailed view, on Account Settings tab. How to access it: Personal Account Settings.
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