Brief summary of this article:
This article describes how to change personal details for your own account. Administrators and power users with authorized roles such as Project Managers or Team Managers can change personal account settings for any other Targetprocess user.
Personal Account Settings include a Login, Email, Password, First and Last Name, Photo, User Type, Default Role and other primary details of the user's personal profile.
Access User Details View
My Profile
To open your own personal details view just click on your user avatar picture in the right corner of the top menu. Then in the popup menu click the line showing your name.
Profiles for other users
To open personal details view for any other user, open a view showing users as cards or lanes (rows, columns). The predefined People view is an example of such view.
Most likely a People view already exists in your left menu. If it is missing, create the view from our template.
Find the card showing the required user on the view and double click the card to open entity details.
If you have many users in your system, using the People view it is possible to apply a quick filter to find a required user. To search, just type first letters of the first or last name of the user to the filter area above the view and press Enter. All users that don't match your search become hidden.
More information: People View. Custom Views for Personal Accounts Management.
Fields and Properties
Primary settings for a user are displayed in the personal details view on the Account Settings tab.
Login Credentials
By default the pair Login + Password is used for access to Targetprocess. Email + Password may be used as alternate credentials as well.
Single Sign-On
When Single Sign-On is activated, users are able to access the Targetprocess without a password. Just email is enough. In this case an external Identity Provider tool is connected to Targetprocess. It performs all the required checks and confirms whether an email is known and authorized.
The Active Directory User Name field is supported in legacy on-site Targetprocess sites only. It works when Windows Authentication mode is enabled in the IIS settings on the local hosting server. For other hosting options (on-demand, private cloud) the field is redundant.
First and Last Name
To edit first name or last name, hover the mouse pointer over the field with the current name. When the small pencil icon appears, click to edit the field. Type the new name and press enter to save it.
Avatar Icon
An Avatar is a little picture that represents a user. To modify an avatar simply click on it. Then Upload a new photo, Edit photo, or Remove the current one.
You can use any size photo. Targetprocess automatically resizes big images. However, for best results, we recommend using images of 64 pixels wide and 64 pixels high. The format for your avatar can be GIF, JPEG (JPG) or PNG. There is also a file size restriction of 2 MB max due to server performance.
As a best usage practice, please don’t neglect the avatars. Avatars are the fastest and easiest way to associate entities or actions with users in Targetprocess. Furthermore, you’ll be able to see avatars on all views representing Work by People. Avatars are shown for all the assignable entities (User Stories, Bugs, Tasks, Features etc.) under Assignments as well.
User Types
User, Administrator, Observer, and Contributor are user types in Targetprocess. Personal access levels and security permissions depend on the selected user type settings. More on this: User Types.
Projects & Teams
Targetprocess users receive access to work items through Projects and Teams. After users are assigned to a Project or Team, they can add, edit, and delete work items according to their Project or Team role.
- Permissions for Access to Work Items
- Assign People to Projects, Manage Users as Project Members
- Assign People to Teams, Manage Users as Team Members
Default Role
The currently selected Default Role is shown below the user's name.
Permissions of the Default Role are checked when users try to create or edit a new project, program, team, or user. When a user is assigned to a Project or a Team, the assignment is made with his or her Default Role. Roles in Project or Team membership list may be freely changed further.
More on this: Default Role.
Active and Inactive Users
You can add as many users as you have licenses. If someone leaves your company, you may want to make the user license available for another company employee. Deactivate the account of the previous user and create an active account for the new one.
We recommend deactivating users instead of delete their accounts completely. It makes it easier to see data related to these users in reports and audit history logs.
More information: Active and Inactive Users.
Last Login Date
You may have acquired a lot of licences, and have no idea whether your employees have actually been using Targetprocess. You may also want to know how intensively the tool has been used. The Last Login Date field sheds some light on the problem and serves as a helpful marker.
Weekly Hours
Weekly Hours value is used in Personal Capacity Limits calculations. More on this feature: How are Personal Capacity Limits Calculated?
Custom Fields
Custom Fields are extra fields that can be added to your entities to help gather, store, and organize data. Custom Fields section is displayed for each user on the right side. More on the fields: Custom Fields, How to set up Custom Fields?
Permissions to Manage Users
Regular users are always allowed to see all personal details of any other users in the shared Targetprocess workspace. Only passwords and personal access tokens are hidden.
Regular users are always allowed to see and change any of their own personal details.
Regular users cannot change their own Email when Single Sign-On is activated.
Users having Add / Edit / Delete permissions in their Default Role are allowed to manage other users according to the role settings.
Users without Admininstrator rights cannot add themselves to Administrators list.
Administrators are always allowed to perform any changes with any user account.
See Also
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