Brief summary of this article:
There are two ways you can host Targetprocess Service Desk: using a Docker container or as an application in IIS. This article describes how to host Service Desk using a Docker container.
This is not a step-by-step instruction on how to configure Docker or Docker Toolbox installation. Some experience is highly recommended.
Installing Service Desk
Depending on your OS and preferences, there may be several ways to install the container. Regardless of how you host it, these are the parameters you need to set:
Image name: targetprocess/servicedesk-onsite
tpUrl - The link to your Targetprocess application, ex. (please mind the http/https part of the link)
tpAuthToken - An authentication token that will be used by Service Desk to connect to Targetprocess. All actions, such as the creation of new requests, will appear in Targetprocess as if performed by this user, so we recommend using a special “System” user for that.
You can get the token of the System user by running the following query
(Just be sure to replace with the real link to your Targetprocess)
Important: For security reasons, starting from Targetprocess version 3.10.4, you cannot use a System user token if the password was never changed. You can change it at Settings -> System User Credentials under General Settings. For more information, see .
For additional Service Desk settings (such as Private or Public mode, custom fields, company logo, and available projects) please go to Settings Page after the basic parameters are specified:
To make upgrade process easier, we recommend using Data Volume to store the .../app/data folder outside the container. Otherwise you would have to reapply the settings and logo with every upgrade.
Here is a short video how to install it from UI using Kitematic tool:
If you prefer using a command line, you can run the software with the following command:
docker run -p %Port%:5000 -v %Path%:/app/data -e tpUrl=%Targetprocess_URL% -e tpAuthToken=%Token% --name=servicedesk targetprocess/servicedesk-onsite:%Version%
Upgrading Service Desk
Since all Docker containers are immutable, just pull latest changes and re-create your container
docker pull targetprocess/servicedesk-onsite
docker stop %servicedesk-container%
docker rm %servicedesk-container%
docker run -p %Port%:5000 -v %Path%:/app/data -e tpUrl=%Targetprocess_URL% -e tpAuthToken=%Token% targetprocess/servicedesk-onsite:%Version%
%servicedesk-container% equals the --name parameter of your run command (--name=servicedesk in example above)
Added data volume guarantees that all your application data will be saved after an update.
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