Brief summary of this article:
These reports show how many bugs are opened within test plan runs and details of the bugs and test plan runs. The reports are intended to be used with Testing Module in Targetprocess.
The reports described below are:
Bugs Count per Test Plan Run
This Visual Report plots split bars per each test plan run, or group test plan runs by date. You can filter, split, or highlight test plan runs per date, project, test plan. It is also possible to make names and numeric IDs of each test plan run and test plan visible or hidden.
The summary bars show every test plan run in the selected projects, unless you narrow your data source with special Advanced Filter.
How to create the Report
Click +Create > Report to start building new Visual report.
Create report from Blank template.
We recommend to use the following Sources settings as initial ones:
- Source type: Entity Reports
- Projects and teams: make required selection
- Entities: Test Plan Runs
Apply Filter for data. Its purpose is to select only test plan runs having at least one Bug. Syntax of Advanced Filters is used.
?Bugs.Count > 0
Then use the following setup for the chart:
- Vertical axis: Name
- Horizontal axis: SUM(Bugs Count)
- Chart Type: Stacked-Bar
Press Finish setup button. Your chart is ready!
Further Customization
It is possible to configure the report the way that it could show 2D grid (matrix) with Test Plan Run Names / Dates on one axis and Bug Names on another one. Define special custom formulas for this purpose:
Bugs.Select(Name) Bugs.Select("#" + TEXT(Id) + " " + Name)
Once a formula is defined, apply it to an axis of your 2D chart.
In the meantime we recommend to extract list of Bugs per Test Plan Run with Tabular Reports instead of Visual ones.
Bugs Count and Details per Test Plan Run
This Visual Report plots split bars per each test plan run, or group test plan runs by date. You can filter, split, or highlight test plan runs and bugs per date, project, test plan, per bug states. It is also possible to make names and numeric IDs of each test plan run, test plan, and bug visible or hidden.
The summary bars show every bug in the selected projects and teams, unless you narrow your data source with special Advanced Filter.
A Bug can be related to multiple Test Plan Runs in Targetprocess. For simplification we'll work only with the earliest (by date of creation) Test Plan Run for each Bug.
How to create the Report
Click +Create > Report to start building new Visual report.
Create report from Blank template.
We recommend to use the following Sources settings as initial ones:
- Source type: Entity Reports
- Projects and teams: make required selection
- Entities: Bugs
Apply Filter for data. Its purpose is to select only bugs related to at least one Test Plan Run. Syntax of Advanced Filters is used.
?TestPlanRuns.Count > 0
The report is using special field with custom formula which is not configured in your system by default. Add the field manually. Press Add field or formula button in Data fields list for this purpose:
Add the field named Test Plan Run Date. Use the following formula:
Save the formula. The field appears in Data fields list.
Then use the following setup for the chart:
- Horizontal axis:
- Field: Test Plan Run Date
- Group: Week
- Appearance: Period
- Vertical axis: Count of Records
- Chart Type: Stacked-Bar
- Color:
- Field: State
- Sort: Descending
- By: AVG([State Rank])
Press Finish setup button. Your chart is ready!
Further customization
Want to see name of every Bug on this chart? Put Name field to Label encoding setting.
You can group bars with different resolution: per day, week, month, quarter, year.
Using Filters for Sources settings, you can narrow the data scope in order to select specific Bugs or Test Plan Runs. Syntax of Advanced Filters is used.
Entity | Filter | Result |
Bugs | ?TestPlanRuns.Count > 0 and not TestPlanRuns.where(CreateDate < '1-Jan-2017') | Bugs related to Test Plan Runs that are created starting from 1 Jan 2017 |
You can also browse data source and apply filters to data using special interactive wizard in chart settings. Navigate Actions > Set up report menu item, and then press Data Source > Browse and filter button.
Bugs List per Test Plan Run
This Tabular Report shows list of bugs per each test plan run. You can filter and group test plan runs and bugs per date, project, test plan, per bug states. It is also possible to make names, numeric IDs, and other fields of each test plan run and bug visible as columns.
How to create the Report
Navigate Reports > Tabular Reports menu, then click Create new tabular report link to start building new Tabular report.
Tabular report based on Bug entity must be created in advance. Otherwise you won't be able to embed it as an Inner List to your report with Test Plan Runs. Please check that the report with Bugs already exists and create it manually if it is missing.
Configure Entity settings:
- Process: All Processes / one particular process that the project with your Test Plan Runs follows
- Top level Entity: Test Plan Run
Configure Columns:
Configure Filters.
On Summary Columns tab, add column with total count of bugs per test plan run:
On Inner Lists tab, embed existing report by Bug:
On Settings tab, define name for your report.
Save the settings. Press Save & Run Report button.
Your report is now done!
More information
Visual Reports and Custom Graphical reports are very flexible in terms of filtering, grouping and customization. If you need to build some other Visual Report, you're welcome to contact our support team and request our assistance.
See Also
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