Brief summary of this article:
Test Case Runs and Test Plan Runs creation
There are many places in Targetprocess where you can create a new Test Plan Run.
Test Plan view
Open a test plan view (you can open it from a view where test plans are selected as cards or lanes), go to the Runs tab, and use quick add icon or Create run button to create a new test plan run.
A new Test Plan Run is created. It includes Test Case Runs and Test Plan Runs, automatically created from the Test Cases and Test Plans of the associated Test Plan. You can click on IDs of the Test Plan Runs to see more details.
When any change is made in a test case or a child test plan (add, delete, edit, etc), all the test case/plan runs created for this test case/plan will be updated automatically. To avoid changing a test case (or test plan) that has already been executed, it is better to create a copy of a test case if significant modifications are required.
Quick Add on a Board / Details / List / Roadmap view modes
A new Test Plan Run can be added on a Board, List, Details and Roadmap view modes if Test Plan Runs are selected to be shown as cards.
On a Roadmap view, you can add a new Test Plan Run using the Quick Add button in a backlog column. Then schedule Test Plan Run execution by using drag and drop.
Test Case Run and Test Plan Run execution
A new test plan run should be created every time a test plan needs to be executed. This allows us to track the history of a test plan’s executions.
To start a Test Plan Run execution, go to the Runs tab of a test plan view and click a Run button for a test plan run you want to execute. You will be automatically moved to a test plan run view and the next to execute test case run will be opened.
You will be automatically forwarded to a Test Plan Run view and the next Test Case Run will be opened. Here you can go through Test Cases and specify a run result for each of them.
For every Test Step you can specify it’s run result: Passed or Failed.
When all the Test Steps have been executed, you can select one of 4 run results for the whole Test Case or skip it to execute later:
- Passed - a test case has been passed successfully
- Failed - there are some issues related to this test case
- On Hold - a test case is on hold and will be executed later
- Blocked - a test case is blocked by something and can't be executed right now
Choose a Test Case Run result and click ‘Next Test Case’ button to move to the next test case run execution.
It is possible to change a test step/case run result any time later until a parent test plan run is moved to the final state. To do it, open a test case run view using a ‘window’ icon in a test case run list and change a test case run execution result.
To update a test step run result, click a run result and select a different one:
To update a test case run result, you can either select a different run result or clear the current run result (to see this option just hover mouse over the selected run result):
There is a Note field available on a test case run view, so that you can add any comments, notes and actual test case results to this field if required. A Note field becomes required, when a Failed test case run result is selected.
You can add images to the Note field dragging and dropping them from a finder.
You can also create a bug, if it was found during a test plan execution.
All the bugs related to a test case run will be shown on the Bugs tab of a test case run view.
To see all the bugs related to a test plan run, go to the Bugs tab of a test plan run view.
To see all the test case runs, which have been affected by a bug, you can open the Test Case Runs tab of the Bug view.
Any moment you can make a pause in a test plan execution process and complete run later if required.
When all the test case runs in a test plan run have been executed, a test plan run can be moved to its final state. Any changes to a test plan run after the run has been moved to its final state are forbidden; these test plan runs are read-only.
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