- Completed and Remaining Effort
- Reports based on Effort
- Report for total completed Effort / Velocity
- Actual Time Spent vs Estimated Effort comparison report
- Metrics for Bugs in User Stories and Features
- Calculation of Team Iteration progress
- Reports on Effort in Team Iterations
- How is Progress calculated for work items: User Stories, Tasks, Bugs, Requests
Brief summary of this article:
Multiple useful reports that rely on Effort data can be built in Targetprocess.
List of entities with their Effort
It is possible to build tabular custom reports showing lists of entities and their effort. Reports can be exported outside from Targetprocess.
Total completed effort (velocity) report
It is possible to create a Visual Report that shows how many points or hours of Effort your team completes per unit of time (per week, month, Sprint or Iteration). The report may include user stories only or bugs as well. Visual reports can group and summarize effort per high-level scope of work (Feature, Epic, Sprint or Iteration, Release, Project), per person, per Role. Visual reports show data in form of charts and can be exported to tabular CSV files.
More information: Report for total completed Effort / Velocity
Templates for Velocity reports
The following predefined templates for Visual Reports by Effort are available:
- Iterations Velocity Trend: How Iterations velocity changes over time
- Team Iterations Velocity Trend: How Team Iterations velocity changes over time
Total assigned / completed effort per user
It is possible to report that shows total completed effort per user.
Total assigned / completed effort per role
It is possible to report that shows total effort per role.
Total effort per assigned Team
It is possible to see total effort of your backlog items separated by assigned team.
Total effort per assigned Team split by Releases and Features
In the old editor:
X axis: Team
X axis filter: ?it is not None
Y axis: Assignable.Release
Y axis 2nd dimension: Sum(Assignable.Effort)
Color: Assignable.As<UserStory>.Feature
In the new editor:
In new reports editor Assignable types have 'Assigned Team' field, which is actually all the teams from TeamAssignment collection. There is no need to create report using AssignedTeam data source.
Estimation Accuracy
Estimation Accuracy reports help to compare total estimated effort and total time spent. It is an important metric for each agile team. It improves estimates and overall project planning. Estimation accuracy may be tracked on different levels of your hierarchy: from work items (such as User Stories, Bugs) to larger planning entities (Features, Epics, Sprints / Iterations, Releases and Projects).
Audit history. Historical reports
For any assignable entity it is possible to see how its effort was modified on the History tab in the detailed view.
It is not possible so far to build historical reports by all entities for which effort has been changed.
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