Brief summary of this article:
This mashup (custom add-on) makes it possible to configure a default description, which is automatically applied when a new entity is created and opened for edition.
The mashup can be activated by Administrators of your Targetprocess account. Install the mashup from the Mashups Library. Navigate Settings > Mashups menu item for this purpose.
Configure the templates in the Code editor area of the mashup. Specify HTML code for the markup. Use the guide below in this article.
We recommend to start with default templates, then perform small changes on them. On each edition, perform the test in order to see how your modification affects resulting description. Make backups of the code on each edition: it will help you to revert recent changes should you break anything in the configuration.
After installation, reload Targetprocess page in your web browser. Request your colleagues to perform the same action if the mashup doesn't appear for them.
Create new entity in Targetprocess. Open its Description tab. The description should be prefilled.
The Templates collection is a key-value dictionary in JSON form, which uses an HTML string as a template for a particular entity type, comma-separated.
Here you list the entity names in the terminology of your portfolio (project). This gives you the freedom to use different templates for different portfolios (projects).
Development portfolio (project)
var templates = { 'UserStory': 'As a <i>type of user</i>, I want <i>some goal</i> so that <i>some reason</i>', 'Feature': '<table border="1"><caption>Features and Benefits matrix</caption>' + '<thead><tr><th scope="col">Features</th><th scope="col">Benefits</th></tr></thead>' + '<tbody><tr>' + '<td><em>A short phrase, giving a name and some implied context to the feature</em></td>' + '<td><em>A short description which describes the benefit to the user and the business. There may be multiple benefits per feature which are highlighted here</em></td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr><td><em>...</em></td><td><em>...</em></td></tr>' + '<tr><td>...</td><td>...</td></tr>' + '</tbody></table>', 'Bug': '<p><strong>Steps to Reproduce:</strong><em> Minimized, easy-to-follow steps that will trigger the bug. Include any special setup steps.</em></p>' + '<p><strong>Actual Results:</strong><em> What the application did after performing the above steps.</em></p>' + '<p><strong>Expected Results:</strong><em> What the application should have done, were the bug not present.</em></p>', 'Scrum Bug': null };
Marketing portfolio (project)
var templates = { 'Campaign': '<table border="1"><caption>Main goals of the campaign</caption>' + '<thead><tr><th scope="col">Goals</th><th scope="col">Notes</th></tr></thead>' + '<tbody><tr>' + '<td><em>A short description of a goal</em></td>' + '<td><em>Notes</em></td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr><td><em>...</em></td><td><em>...</em></td></tr>' + '<tr><td>...</td><td>...</td></tr>' + '</tbody></table>', 'Advertisement': '<p><strong>Main idea:</strong><em> Breif description of the main idea.</em></p>' + '<p><strong>Target Audience:</strong><em> Who do we want to reach with it.</em></p>' + '<p><strong>Expected Results:</strong><em> What results do we expect from it.</em></p>', 'Blocker': '<p>As a <i>type of user</i>, I cannot proceed with <i>a task</i> because of <i>some reason</i></p>'+ '<p>If the issue is not urgently resolved, it will cause <i>the consequences</i>' };
The mashup is not project-specific so far. It is always applied to all portfolios (projects) within your Targetprocess account. However, it is term-specific. This means, if you have two different processes and two different alias terms for the same entity in these processes (say, Bug and Defect for bugs), it is possible to apply a template to all bug entities with Bug term name only and not apply it to all bug entities with Defect term name. The mashup is not working while Customized Detailed Views are on.
Alternative Solutions
The Entity Templates mashup allows only one default template per entity type, always applied. When you require more flexibility - for example, apply the templates to entities only in particular portfolio (project), or team, or only when an entity has some particular keyword in the title, or apply multiple templates according to list of rules checked and applied one by one please learn how to use programmatical Webhooks (deprecated) or Automation Rules instead and try their power.
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