Brief summary of this article:
Native Jira integration could be enabled upon request to product specialist and then set up by implementation team
How to view Jira Issue information in Targetprocess
'Synced Work' block
Jira links will be shown in the entity detail view by default. It will either be a block in the right-hand side panel (for old-layout views) or a ‘Synced Work’ tab (if a customizable layout is enabled). ‘Synced Work’ shows info relating to the Jira issue or, if the entity is not linked yet, a menu - Push as new / Link to Existing - is shown. This button(-s) name is the name of the integration profile(-s)
In the ‘Synced Work’ of a linked entity, two areas are the most important:
- Hyperlink to Jira issues and actions menu
- Log Messages
Customize Board/List Views with Links to Jira
You can display a Jira icon or link in the Boards / Lists Views with no additional fields mapping.Simply customize cards with the ‘Synced Work’ unit. This is a short non-clickable unit to mark the cards which are shared to Jira
It could also be a hyperlinked unit with Jira Key. It’s named ‘External ID’ in view cards customization settings.
Search for Jira Key in Targetprocess
Should you want to search for Jira Keys in Targetprocess, then add a custom field to Targetprocess, like ‘Jira Link’, and add it to fields mapping (JS)
Then, you have this ID in the custom field and can query Targetprocess for custom field values.
Actions: Send Updates to/from Jira, Unlink, Batch Push to Jira
How to (un-)link, pull updates, find errors
Near the Jira ID you have a menu under three dots:
These actions allow you to actualize either a Jira Issue with the changes applied in Targetprocess or the Targetprocess entity with updates from Jira, or break the link and stop syncing.
Push Updates
Pushing updates to Jira is not used often, as Integration sends all the changes to Jira as they happen. This action resyncs all the mapped fields of the selected entity, and fields in Jira will have the same values as they have in Targetprocess (if any differences were apparent).
Pull Updates
Pull updates will resync all the fields of the selected entity with the date from Jira, including collections lists (set of Bugs, User Stories, etc.) but won’t update the fields of the child collections (i.e. Team Iteration of some Bugs if they changed).
As soon as you unlink two issues, they stop syncing and you can re-link a Targetprocess Entity to something new in Jira. However, it’s important to note that, if you have auto-push enabled and this entity changes and still passses the filters, it will be pushed to Jira again, and pushed as a new item (this might cause duplicates in Jira).
Context Menu / Batch Actions (TBD)
In the board or list views for the regular types (not Extendable Domain types), Jira menu can be found. Currently only ‘Push to Jira’ is available. It will attempt to push a batch of new issues to Jira, when you select which profile to use for that. Entities that are already shared will not be pushed again.
Later, it will be a Jira menu with the batch Pull/Push updates and Unlink.
Team Iterations Sync. Map Teams to Jira Scrum Boards
Targetprocess team iterations are suggested to be synced seamlessly as Jira Sprints. Every Team Sprint will be linked to a Jira Sprint and they will sync Names, Descriptions and Start/End Dates.
For example, if you link ‘Q1-2021-1’ team iteration to a Jira Sprint, then a Jira story, created and assigned to this Sprint, will be automatically be added to Targetprocess and assigned to the same team iteration.
When a team is mapped to the Scrum Board, the team iteration could be pushed to Jira.
You will see a button in the Synced Work block / Work Sharing tab of the iteration view:
With this button you can push iteration to Jira or link it to an existing Jira Sprint:
Like any other mapped entity types, team iterations can be pushed in a batch.
Import from Jira
'Import from Jira' imports all issues, selected with the provided JQL filter, if they match profile setup – types mapping and project routings. After you finish JQL query and hit [Forecast] button you will see the number of issues defined by the query and approximate forecast time.
Forecast time shows the number based on previous import history. If there were no imports for the past 14 days, approximate time will not be calculated yet. In this case forecasted and remaining time will remain undefined.
Issues that were imported previously and attempted again will not be duplicated, but they will be updated as if you do batch 'Pull from Jira' action. You will see in logs that those issues have already been synced.
Failed to import items couls be retried right from that wizard.
Import cancel
Not completed import can be aborted. Import cancellation takes time. It can last for several minutes to stop creating and updating all the items with actual fields values and removed everything that was not actualized.
Items that were updated fully or partially will stay in Targetprocess. Issues imported and yet named like Created by Targetprocess integration service (103084:2eb4df78-9419-4741-97ef-3d0e168cea2b:5eb3dfaa-4013-4615-86bf-de73f8fcabd3) will be removed from Targetprocess as a result of cancelled import.
Instructions/ Steps:
- Start the import and before it completes, hit [Cancel]
- In a minute you will be able to start new import.
How to sync work items hierarchy
Should you need to import any issues as Targetprocess Tasks, you need to import only their parent User Stories first. When parent relation link is set, then Tasks will be imported automatically. It is not possible to import work items as Targetprocess Tasks as they are dependent on parent user stories
Similar for other hierarchies.
If you have mapped hierarchy Feature (Jira Epic) ➜ User Story (Stories via Epic Link) ➜ Bugs, Tasks (Defects, Tasks via Parent of (or any other preselected link type), then you need to import only Jira Epics. All the rest will be imported automatically.
To import Bus or Stories separately you need in the case, when they are not connected to any imported parent entities.
Diagnostic Logs & Errors
There are 3 levels of logs filters.
- In a detailed entity view, you will see warnings, errors and sync operations logs of a particular entity only:
2. Errors and operation logs of a specific integration could be found inside an integration profile:
3. From Administrator panel, Settings > Diagnostic and Logs, you will see all profiles logs, including messages when profile could not be identified (applies to exceptional cases):
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