- Native Issue Level Integrations
- Azure DevOps Integration: Setup Guide
- Native Integrations Tips & Tricks
- Azure DevOps Integration: How to sync Area Path and Iteration Path
- Azure DevOps Integration: Data Validation Report
- Jira Integration Limitations
- Jira Server Migration Support
- Cross-profile Relations Sync
These functional changes could be enabled or disabled via feature toggles in the account configuration by Targetprocess Support, Product Specialist or Product Managers
- Required always. Enables native integrations services (work sharing) AND Jira integration
- In addition to (1) enables Azure DevOps integration. As of February 2023 ADO integration is luanched silently and works in production for several clients. Functionality important for GA is mostly completed, but we test scaling, performance and different customers Azure Servers specifics that affect integration. Public release will happen in April 2023
- In complex with (1) enables TP-TP integration beta. GA release is planned to Q2 2023
- Disable initial comment in Jira/ADO item with the link to TP entity (must be disabled, when notifications to a new comment is widely used in ADO/Jira/TP and a massive import to a tool is planned). Suggest to replace the comment with the fields mapping ID > TP Link if a redirection from Jira is required:
- Enable option of full profile resync to/from Jira/ADO/TP. Must be used carefully as it resyncs all the fields for all entities, it could bring a data loss or become a time-lagged heavy-performance operation. Advise to use it in the beginning of account implementation only
- Disables default sync of delete operation in case you want to keep items that were deleted in the other system.
- Hide comments utility header ‘Created by Targetprocess user %date% %time%”
- Enables experimental multiple sharing for TP and Jira Integrations.
- Batch Push from list or board to multiple profiles is not supported;
- Not supported for Azure DevOps beta
- Disables default convert support. Current implementation supposes Create+Delete operations, not exactly convert.
Example: if Jira issue was converted, its old copy in Targetprocess will be deleted and new one will be created matching the new Jira issue type.
Vice versa, when Targetprocess entity is converted, then the old issue will be removed in Jira and the new one will be pushed to Jira and linked to the result of convert
- Enables beta version of Data Validation Report:
As of Jan, 15 report can compare field values excluding collections and JS mappings without comparators. Comaprators must be added to every JS field mapping by implementation team engineer.
- Enables sync report popup functionality on UI
- Temporary feature toggle before public release
- Enable oAuth2.0 Client Credentials for Jira Server. It enables oAuth2.0 authentication at a customer's gateway, then gateway authorizes integration to Jira using Basic Auth. This is not oAuth2.0 to Jira, as some Jira Rest APIs still do not support parent linking and Boards/Sprints management.
- Required always. Enables native integrations services (work sharing) AND Jira integration
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