Integration service access security We use OAuth2 for securing our internal APIs, each service call must contain an OAuth token with a special set of scopes requested by the service. Data isolation Native integration use Postgres as underlying
Azure DevOps Work Items integration is released publicly and can be enabled for any account upon request to a Customer Care and Account Manager as integration depends on connected users licensing and integration implementation paid services. Useful Links
How to write WIQL filters forĀ Azure DevOps Integration For easier writing of Azure DevOps WIQL filters use extension: Batch update of multiple selected issues using Import Import creates new entities if they are not yet in sync
Area Path in Microsoft Azure DevOps supports teamwork and group work items based on a product or business unit. In Azure DevOps, you can even create a tree-hierarchy of area paths to organize teams into hierarchy. The current
Two-way data synchronization implies that both systems can be inaccessible for different periods of time and data can get out of sync. With the data validation report, you are able to find the items that are not synced