Brief summary of this article:
Targetprocess provides several easy ways to export data to a delimited format suitable for import into such tools as Microsoft Excel.
Export Views
Export option can be found under the Actions menu on any View. Just click the Export button to download a .CSV file. No matter how many types of cards are shown on the View - all the cards from the View will be exported to the .CSV file.
Attachments and images can not be exported from Targetprocess. You can only save them manually to your local drive using "Save" button for every single file / image or request whole attachments storage from Support Team. Comments can be exported by REST API or Tabular reports.
If you have your board filtered or focused on a particular set of rows and columns and then export it, you will see the same set of cards in the CSV file as the board shows.
Hierarchical lanes in list views are not exported at the moment. Only entities selected as Cards in view setup are exported.
It is also not possible to export comments and requesters.
Starting with version 3.13.6+, List views are exported 'as is'. The set of columns in the exported CSV file matches the customized set of columns in the list view. The order is also preserved. The most common types are supported– User Stories, Tasks, Bugs, Features, Epics, Requests, Portfolio Epics and Time records.
Starting with version 3.13.6+ Time records are exported with Custom Field values.
Count Limit
By default, the number of exported entities is limited to 5000.
For on-premise (on-site) customers this limit can be changed in configuration file on the hosting server. Open the file:
Modify the following line:
<add key="CsvSlice.TakeLimit" value="1000" />
Known workaround for this issue is to use filters and export data in small batches up to 1000 items each.
Export Tabular Reports
Export To Excel functionality is available from your Tabular Reports.
Open Reports → Tabular Reports page. Run an existing report or create a new one. Then please click the Export To Excel button.
If you use Inner Lists within the Tabular Report (such as User Stories → Tasks, Bugs; Features → User Stories; Assignable → Assignments, Times, Comments, Requests → Requesters), the data from the inner lists will also be exported.
Tabular reports cannot export assigned users into a column like View Export does. Inner Lists is the only supported form.
Calculated custom fields cannot be displayed and exported within Tabular Reports.
Export Visual Reports
A Visual Report can be exported using an icon in top right corner of a report. It is possible to export a report into CSV and JSON formats. Also screenshot of a report can be saved as PNG file and printed.
For example, we have a report that shows how much effort (7.5 man-hour work days) was completed by each team. Each color represents a different project:
When we export this report in .png format, we have a screenshot of the report:
Exporting in .csv format displays Project names, Team Names, and the sum of effort divided by 7.5 as the report specifies:
When exporting in JSON we generate a file written in the format below:
Export Custom Graphical Reports (Obsolete)
It is possible to export Custom Graphical Reports in various formats. To export your reports or print them, the 'export' UI element can be found above the report on the right:
Export Descriptions and Rich Text Custom Fields
Content of Descriptions and Rich Text Custom Fields is exported in form of plain text. The markup, styling of the font and complex elements such as tables are not exported. The following workarounds can be used for export of text fields with markup preserved:
- REST API queries. More information can be found here: REST API, Integration with Google Spreadsheets
- Print View feature which generates HTML or PDF copy of a single entity. The feature is accessible within Actions > Print View menu item in detailed view of an entity.
Delimiter (separator) settings for CSV files
Four symbols are supported as delimiters for CSV files produced by Targetprocess:
- , (comma)
- ; (semicolon)
- |
- Tab
Comma is selected in the account settings by default.
Troubleshooting issues with delimiter
Sometimes it may happen that your Excel editor is not able to parse CSV file properly. It may happen when delimiter used in files build by Targetprocess does not matches the one expected by Excel. Here is how problematic the imported file may look like in Excel:
It is possible to change delimiter (separator) symbol settings in two places so that they start to match each other.
Check and change delimiter settings in Targetprocess
In Targetprocess, you'll need to login as Administrator. Then open Settings → General Settings → CSV Export delimiter.
When settings are saved, please re-export Targetprocess data to CSV file once again.
Check and change delimiter settings in Windows Excel
Default delimiter (separator) for Windows Excel is configured in local settings of your machine. In Windows, press Run → Control Panel → Region and Language → Additional Settings... → List separator.
You should have same symbol set in your system settings and in Targetprocess.
When delimiters do not match, we recommend to change Targetprocess settings rather than the ones on your local machine.
Here is how the same CSV file is opened by Excel editor when delimiter (separator) settings match:
Export REST API queries
REST API allows you to extract data from Targetprocess account in the XML and JSON formats. We created quick guides that describe how to fetch Targetprocess data to commonly used spreadsheet editors:
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