Brief summary of this article:
In Targetprocess, it is possible to embed content from external tools using two features: the Embedded Pages mashup (add-on) and the Web Page dashboard widget.
The Embedded Pages mashup allows you to see pages by links you've provided in the URL and Template URL custom fields as an additional tab on an entity view, so that you can work with the external pages and documents straight in Targetprocess. Learn more about the mashup.
The Web Page dashboard widget allows you to display any web page on your dashboard. Here are some more details about this widget.
Popular services that allow content embedding
- What popular services allow embedding to third-party tools (including Targetprocess)? What settings should I modify to allow embedding?
- If you access Targetprocess via HTTPS (which is mandatory for Targetprocess accounts hosted in the cloud and optional for on-premise solutions) you can only embed resources which use HTTPS as well. Additionally, you can only embed pages from resources which do not implicitly forbid embedding into an iframe.
- Google Docs.
- Google Drive. To embed Folder, use link in form of instead of More details on embedding Google Drive folders.
- Miro (
- Youtube (when the special link with the /embed/ part is copied)
- Sharepoint (when AllowFraming is enabled; additionally, it may be required to embed guest links referring to guestaccess.aspx module instead of WopiFrame.aspx)
- Confluence (when Clickjacking protection is disabled)
- InVision (how to embed an entire mobile prototype - create iframe embed code)
- Box - use links from Embed Widget settings > Embed Code area > iframe src parameters. In form of
- Targetprocess pages and views
- Dropbox folders and HTML content
- Zendesk (since 2013)
- I've added the URL into the field, but the tab is empty. What am I doing wrong?
- To see the exact reason why the tab is empty, please open your browser's console (usually by pressing F12) and find the error.
1. Error: [blocked] The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from '': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
Solution: use the HTTPS link instead
2. Error: Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'.
Solution: investigate whether your source can be embedded after all. Look for sharing and embedding options and use that link instead.
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