1. Install the new instance of Targetprocess to Server2 using a new temporary database.
2. Verify that the application works with clean data.
3. At this point you have two options, depending on whether you move the database along with the app or not.
A. [If you are moving the database to Server2 as well ]
Restore the backup of the production database over that new database. To accomplish this, set the temporary database to Single User mode, right click the database name, select Properties and then Options:
If you move the database from SQL Server 2005 to a newer version, there is one extra step you have to take
B. [if your database remains on Server1 or if you have restored the backup over a different database]
Edit the web.config file for the new installation. By default it can be found at: c:/inetpub/wwwroot/TargetProcess2/wwwroot
Make sure the connection string in the new web.config file sets the correct database to Single User mode:
<property name="connection.connection_string">Server=.sqlexpress2k8r2;initial catalog=TargetProcess2;user id=sa;password=sa;Language=English</property>
Update the connection string for each of the installed plugins. PluginSettings.config file can be found at: c:/inetpub/wwwroot/Targetprocess2/Plugins/PluginName/
4. Move the following folders from Server1 to Server2:
[Targetprocess installation root]/wwwroot/upload
[Targetprocess installation root]/wwwroot/img/TermIcons
5. Rebuild indexes of Search cache.
6. Enjoy using Targetprocess on the new server.
It is presumed that you’re installing the same version of Targetprocess you’ve had on Server1 to Server2. If you are installing a newer version, the database and the application versions may not match causing errors and incorrect system behavior. If so, re-run the installer AFTER the database and the connection string are restored.
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