Brief summary of this article:
Why do I need one more type of filters?
We created quick filters to make your working routine easier. People who set up views may benefit from it by setting up and maintaining less views. While people who use these views can switch between different contexts easier and filter data on the fly.
Administrators of a system or View owners are encouraged to go through number of steps to create filters that will appear then in the view header next to Project and Team selector.
Created filter is just a drop down list where people can select values and filter data presented on view based on it:
How to edit and delete quick filter?
How to create quick filter?
Navigate to the desired View setup and click “+ Custom quick filter" button:
In the opened Custom quick filters setup you will find a number of fields that need to be filled.
You need to fill all of them except filter fields (but at least one of them is still required for the final quick filter to be efficient).
- Type field contains list of entity types or properties that you may want to filter by. Like if you want people to filter by Portfolio Epics then you can select it in the dropdown and later specify which of the PE should be available for selection.
- Value field is a place where you can specify which values in particular should be available for selection in final quick filter. You can select values manually form the list or use DSL filter instead.
- At least one Filter field should be checked if you are in Default mode or filled manually if you're in Advanced mode. As final magic occur after this step.
As a result you'll be able to filter data on view using newly created custom filter.
Let's dig deeper into these fields:
Type field contains entity types such as Portfolio Epic, Release, etc, Tag, Custom field and Custom values options:
Depending on what you've selected in Type field there can be 2 scenarios of dealing with this field.
- Portfolio Epic, Release, Tag, Custom field is selected as Type.
'Value' will be filled with number of appropriate Portfolio Epics, Releases, Tags names or values of selected Custom filed (currently we support custom fields of type Drop-Down list and multiple selection CFs). You can select all of them or any specific items.
- Custom value is selected as Type
If you want to filter by something different from Portfolio Epic, Release or Tags then this is your case.
'Value' field will be empty and you need to fill it manually based on some rules:
- type each value in separate line;
- put text, date values into quotation marks ‘ ‘, as if you use them in DSL filters 'text value', '26-Oct-2019';
- or you can enter values without ‘ ‘ but use them later in DSL filters (put filter placeholder into quotation marks instead)
If you use here parameters like None, Current, Me, etc then don't put them into quotation marks.
Or/And options for the custom field values
When you selected multiple selection custom field as type you'll find Or/And switcher for values. 'And' is set by default and means that you get items having every of the values selected in filter. 'Or' means that you get items having any of the values selected in filter.
Parameters as value
If you want values for the quick filter to be produced based on specific criteria then you can use parameters(DSL filters) instead of selecting single values:
- Click 'Use parameters' link
- In appeared field enter the expression you want to use. For example if you selected Epics as filter type you may want to filter them by current PI and put here '?Release is current' filter.
- Please note that parameters as value work only with cards filter using reference attributes along with placeholder. Custom Fields of type "Target Process Entity" do not expose access to properties other than "ID" and can not be used this way.
Disable filter by default
If you want filter not to apply by default, you can leave 'Apply filter by default' checkbox empty. In this case 'Filter off' option will be enabled for all users of the view.
Note, that if you update the setting for already existing filter, it won't extend to the same filters changed by specific users before this modification.
Filters dependency
Filter values may depend on what is selected in other quick filters that are already available in the view, so that it will contain only relevant values.
You can mark 'Apply filters dependency' checkbox if you want values from this filter to depend on items selected in other filters from the View. It works for filter types having parent-child relations (like Epic->Feature; Team Iteration -> User Story, etc). Like, if you selected specific Team Iteration then in User Story filter you'll get stories from this iteration only.
Filters dependancy won't work:
- between Project/Team context filters and custom quick filters
- when entity types have more than 1 connection between each other
Each of the selected or entered values will be used as input for the DSL expressions which will be autogenerated in 'Default mode' or you will create in 'Advanced mode' in the next steps.
Default mode
Default mode is only applicable for non-custom values.
Here filters will be applied using default syntax:
?Type.ID is {selected_values}
So if you selected Portfolio Epic as Type then by default ?PortfolioEpic.ID is {selected_values} filter will try to apply to cards and/or lanes selected on View.
You can check manually where to apply autogenerated filter:
- Cards
- Vertical lanes
- Horizontal lanes
If selected type can't be applied to cards and/or lanes form the View, or we're unable to generate it automatically, then you'll see such error message:
If you want to use filter different from default one then click 'Advanced' link to enter filters manually.
Advanced filters mode
Name field will be used for the filter name displayed in View header.
We automatically generate placeholder name which is listed in yellow below the Name field and will be used as input in DSL filters. So you don't have to list all the values selected in Value field, instead you use just placeholder for them. It's like a parameter containing any value you want. After this step you can observe filter selector in the View header. You can select there different values but it won't affect data on the view. For this you need to fill in Filter field
Put here usual DSL expressions, but instead of listing all the values use {placeholder_name} in brackets.
Put it in the places where you need previously selected/entered values to be used:
- Portfolio Epic and Release types can be used via ID property only. Same rule applies to all other reference attributes and custom fields of type "Target Process Entity".
?PortfolioEpic.ID is {placeholder_name}
- Use Tags type via 'Where' operator:
?Tags.Where(It is {placeholder_name})
- Custom values can be used in any DSL expressions (don't forget to put placeholder into quotation marks if you didn't make if before for values):
?PlannedEndDate >= {placeholder_name}
?AssignedUser.Where(LastName is {placeholder_name})
?Release is {'placeholder_name'}
Deleted value selected in filter will be shown as 'Unavailable: ID'.
How to edit and delete quick filter?
- Go to View setup. Navigate to the desired filter and click 'pen' icon.
- You can modify values selected for the filter.
- If you want to rename filter placeholder or select another entity for filtering then Delete current filter by clicking 'Bin' button and create new one.
How to disable quick filter?
- Open quick filter
- Click 'Turn filter off' option
As a result View loads as if there's no filter applied. To enable filter you can select any value or click 'Turn filter on' option:
Questions and answers
- Q: I've created filter but it doesn't seem to filter data on my View.
- A: Open setup for this filter and make sure that placeholder for it is used in at least one of the filter fields.
- Q: I already have filter applied to my cards. How will it be connected with new custom filter?
- A: If any filter was applied to cards, lanes from View setup then they will be united with custom filters using AND operator. Same way as it is for Projects/Teams selector.
- Q: When I filter data on View then I get error: Filter is incorrect.
- A: Check that properties you use in filter are available for cards and/or lanes selected in View setup.
If you are not sure whether filter you entered is correct or not then check it via View setup.
Put this filter into appropriate field, but instead of {placeholder} use any of the entered values:
?PlannedEndDate >= {date} --> ?PlannedEndDate >= '01-Mar-2020'
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