Here we describe examples of Advanced Filters that help to select, hide or highlight Time entries in your Time List views and Detailed Time Reports (Visual Reports by Time Spent).
The filters below refer to the data fields and properties of Time entity. More on the fields: Data Fields in Detailed Time Reports.
Entity | Filter | Result |
Time | ?User.FirstName is 'Alex' | time records submitted by Alex |
Time | ?Date >= Today-7(days) | time records submitted within last 7 days |
Time | ?Assignable.EntityType is 'Bug' | time records of users who work on bugs |
Time | ?Assignable.EntityState.IsFinal is true | time records submitted to completed entities |
Time | ?Assignable.Iteration.IsCurrent is true | time records submitted to entities in current Iteration (Sprint) |
Time | ?Project.Name is 'Navigation App' | time records submitted to the entities in particular project |
Time | ?Billable is 'true' | billable time records; 'Billable' is checkbox custom field for Time entity |
Filters for hierarchical lanes
If Time entities are grouped by Worked on (Assignable) or Person, the following filters and rules are helpful on the parent level.
Entity | Filter | Result |
Worked on | ?it is not None and EntityState.IsFinal is false and Times.Count > 0 | hide 'No work item' rows, done items and entities without time spent entries |
Person | ?Times.Where(Date >= Today-7(days)) | people without recently posted time entries |
Person | ?Times.Count > 0 | people having time entries posted |
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