Brief summary of this article:
It is possible to split Targetprocess entities of several types: Epics, Features, User Stories, Bugs, Tasks, and Requests.
Available in Targetprocess v.3.10.0+
For example, if you have a huge User Story with a long description, you can easily split it and move a portion of the work to a new User Story.
Or, imagine your Team is doing Backlog grooming and decides that some work assigned to the current Feature should be moved to the next Iteration or Release. You can now split the Feature into two, and plan the second one for another Release.
Another example: imagine the Support Team receives a Request that contains not one, but several different problems. In this case, it would make sense to split this Request into separate ones.
Where is Split menu action available?
You can split an entity from the entity Actions menu or from the card context menu in Boards and Lists.
Split Action Form
Choosing to split an entity will open a popup window with both entities displayed: the original entity and the new one.
On the split entity form, you can see and edit entity properties such as State, Business Value, Feature, Release, Assignments and others. Properties get taken from the original entity and applied to the new one (except for State, as the new entity is created in the initial State). All of these properties can be edited for both of the entities on the split entity form. The original entity’s Custom Fields are also copied to the new entity, but can be updated while splitting.
Owner property is supported starting from Targetprocess v3.12.3+.
Effort per role property is supported starting from Targetprocess v3.13.9+.
After all the necessary changes have been made on the split form, just click Save both entities button in the top right corner and you're done. The pop-up with details of newly created entity is opened immediately.
Split Collections
It’s also possible to manage entity collections from the split entity form. By default, collection items will be processed in the following way:
- Attachments, comments, and relations will be copied from the original entity to the new entity
- If you have a Related Test Plan with some Tests in your original entity, then a Related Test Plan with the same Tests will be created for the new entity
- Open and Planned child entities like Features, User Stories, Bugs, and Tasks will be moved to the new entity
Copy Comments option is supported starting from Targetprocess v3.12.3+.
You can leave this behavior as is, or change it by unchecking the appropriate check-boxes.
Non-Supported Fields
Track History Modifications
When Split is performed there are no any special records added to the History log of origin entity. You may guess that some changes were performed as a result of Split only by indirect indications.
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