Brief summary of this article:
Milestones in Targetprocess are used to represent important events for your team, project or company. For example, it could mark the date of a crucial demo for a client or an internal company deadline.
You can create and edit Milestones from any Roadmap view. Milestones can be linked to a single or multiple Projects. You can view Milestones from a dashboard widget, or create a board with Milestone selected as axis/card, or display them on a Roadmap.
Add, Edit or Delete Milestones
To create a Milestone, go to a Roadmap and click the ‘Add Milestone’ icon from the time scale. Fill in the name, color, and date fields. Finally, specify which Projects it's related to and click 'Add Milestone'. Now you can see it on your Roadmap and can easily compare the end date of an entity with the Milestone. This allows you to be aware of whether or not you are on target to complete it on time.
To see the details of a Milestone, just hover your mouse cursor over it.
To modify a Milestone, click the pencil button - Milestone detailed view will be opened.
Since 3.13.11 you can add a new Milestone via 'Quick Add' button:
You can also see a Milestone on a detailed view of a Project:
or on a board with Milestones selected as axis/card:
Now you can assign all your work to Milestones. Every work item, such as Epic, User Story etc., has Milestone field in Info section:
To delete a Milestone, Open the milestone detailed view and click on the three dots on top right corner, select Delete
Details View
Milestone detailed view is quite familiar. It has a Date field and Color selector for better visualizations on Roadmaps. The Projects tab displays the Projects a Milestone is assigned to:
The Linked entities tab displays the work items linked to a Milestone:
You can access Milestones via REST API, create Roadmaps, Boards, etc.
Show/Hide Milestones on a Roadmap
If a Milestone is linked to a Project in a Roadmap view's Projects and Teams selection, the Milestone will automatically be shown on the Roadmap. If you want to hide all Milestones on a Roadmap, go to view setup and uncheck the option for Milestones on the Roadmap tab.
Advanced Filters by Milestones
Advanced Filter for work items assigned to specific Milestone:
?Milestone.Name is 'Milestone 1'
You may refer to Milestone of a Project:
?Project.MilestoneProjects.Where(Milestone.Date is '01-Oct-2019')
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